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With the Ukraine war, millions of people in the world are threatened by famine, but the uncertainty surrounding the global food situation is far older than the war, according to Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff. Photo: Dennis Jarvis. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Current debate

Week 21: Imminent famine engages debaters

An impending svältcatastrophe stood högt på agenda on debate and leadership pages last week. Framförare forwardlls Russia's blockades of ports in Ukraine as a threat to the global food försöthe rjning. 

Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff warns because we can be pon the way to a roadrldsvält. They believe that the economic nnetwork as går out on that some länder produces food that is exported and feeds a population in other länder has "developed på an unfortunate pfamily ”. De points out climate changerathe changes, agriculture of monocultures and the concentration of grainålshandel in a fåspeech fÖretag's hends as factors such as föräverrar the situation.

The editorial board also believes that Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and in particular Russia's blockade of Ukrainian ports, risks furtherka the famine in världen, dto Ukrainian scienceördar iförvar risks to rot. The editorial board argues därförfthat global food trade måth become more varied, fto sthigher margins and that trade islandver national grenser måste protected.

On Svenska Dagbladet's editorial page writes äalso Patrik Oksanen on how Russia's offensive war against Ukraine risks further foetcåra the global svältkrisen. This på due to både Ukraine and Russia before the invasion were televisedyes of yesthe world's major wheat exporters. Oksanen also writeså on how Russia's blockade of the port of Odessa in Ukraine prevents ships fromån to lämna and därfis further foretcårar the export of wheat.

Earlier this week wrote äfriend Peter Wennblad på Svenska Dagbladet's editorial page about an impending global svältcrisis. Ävein Wennblad forwardåller blockade of the port of Odessa as a major threat to väthe world's foodrsörjning and argues därförfthat the EU and its membersäunder måste gear everything in its power to underlätta land transport öover the Ukrainian grassnsen.

- By, for example, suspending claims på documentation and administration, we can avoid a disaster, äfriend about sväthe lt crisis är inevitable, writes Wennblad.

Poverty in the world

In response to på en previous debate article by Oxfam in Aftonbladet type Johan Norberg in a debate article that it is trpainful to blame svältcrisers på billion sekare. Omfdivision and taxation of the most forrmeyes mean Norberg is "and trold old kapple horse ” and means istället that rich entrepreneurs have built and invested in framgårich companies that create jobs and jobsäxt.

This was answered with a closing remarks by Suzanne Standfast and Hanna Nelson från Oxfam in Aftonbladet. Standfast and Nelson call for a lively debate on solutions and futureåller above all redistribution and a higher taxation of världens all the most förmeyes like a maidenjlig sodan. The huge gains made in recent years åpure has ended up in ihäthe days onon några få could reduce suffering ivärlden referärt, say the debaters and härefers to Oxfams åfunny oopsequality report.

The management of increased poverty

Trpainful to blame sväLt. på billion sekare

Johan Norberg, Aftonbladet

To tax the very richest more än reasonable

Suzanne Standfast & Hanna Nelson, Aftonbladet

The Global Impact of the Ukraine War

We can änow stop the food catastrophe

Peter Wennblad, Svenska Dagbladet

We can be pon the way to the westrldsvknead

DN's editorial staff, Dagens Nyheter

Hiv blockade of Odessa - rädda life in Africa

Patrik Oksanen, Svenska Dagbladet

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