Among other things, the Left Party wants to make the one percent goal a one percent floor that development cooperation must not be less than, and introduce a new climate aid that will be used to counteract the consequences of climate change. It writes the Left Party's aid policy spokesperson Yasmine Posio. Photo: Takver, Left Party. Source: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr.


Left Party: One percent floor instead of settlements

With an acute climateödlägive and a serious humaniteär situation ivärlden it is not enough to as the government reduce areåthe end through the extensive avräthe knowledge one has now chosen to giveöra. Sweden has all möopportunities to be a sanctuary förmäpeople fleeing war and föpressure and at the same time stå up för and areånd policy värd the name. It writes the Left Party's aid policy spokesperson Yasmine Posio. 

Sweden must have an aid policy based on justice and equality with the goal that all people should have the same opportunities and freedom to live the lives they want. This presupposes that together we can strengthen and develop democracy and women's rights, eradicate poverty, limit climate change and live up to the goals of Agenda 2030.

Although extreme poverty in the world has decreased in recent decades, close to half the world's population still lives on scarce resources, according to the World Bank. INthe world is still marked by deep injustices. The gaps are large between poor and rich people, poor and rich countries and between women and men. This affects everyone in society, but mainly women and children.

The latest åpandemic has contributed to further öka distånnd. According to hjäthe lp organization Oxfam covid-19 looks like that öka the economic ojämlikheten inäcity ​​all världen's länder at the same time. During the pandemic, väthe world's ten richest män i.eänight half a billion dollars. With that money, it would not have been några problem to pay för vaccine to the entire world population and ensure that no one ended up in poverty på due to the pandemic.

Development policy and the fight against poverty presuppose a climate policy in which the rich countries and the multinational companies take their responsibility, and a work formställness dare women in poor sheltersunder peats the agenda. The Left Party wants to see clearer global rules for foreign investment and fair trade rules, a halt to tax evasion and avoidance, a stricter regulatory framework for arms trade, debt relief and an effective development assistance policy that follows and safeguards the principles of development assistance.

We are in an acute climate emergency. In the UN's latest climate report states that the world is facing inevitable climate change that will hit people hard and hardlsa. The effects frIn addition, climate change is coming faster than previously expected and they risk becoming a realityrr than previously thought. The extensive fires in the summer of 2018 were an alarm clock for many here in Sweden. But those who are hit the hardest are those who are already having the hardest time. In exposed sheltersnder has dlethality in floods, droughts and storms has been 15 gonger hhigher in the last decade, compared to countries with very lowgsannuality. The consequences of climate change are already apparent. Floods, droughts and crop failure in poor countries are a brutal testament to how the rich part of the world has long lived beyond its means.

Economic growth mayFirst Substa development that is ecologically sustainable. Extensive investments in climate change in Sweden are a part. But also effective poverty reduction combined with the strengthening of women's rights and ecological sustainability in development aid policy. The Left Party wants to see a new climate aid to usendas fto counteract the consequences of climate change. It will consist of new additional funds, ie additional funds in addition to the promised assistance. The money can, for example, be usedndas fconversion to ecologically sustainable agriculture, technological development or expansion of renewable energy. EU climate assistance should also be additional, ie added to existing commitments forr beastthe spirit.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law has shocked the whole world. At the time of writing, a quarter of Ukraine's population has been forced to flee. People are forced to leave their houses and homes, families are divided, the number of peopleLtspouses are increasing and pregnant women are forced to give birth to their children in shelters and at metro stations. It is good that Sweden has increased humanitarian aid to Ukraine. It is our duty to come to the rescue as we now see Russia's brutal war of aggression in Europe.

Even before Russia's war on Ukraine, many people in the world were on the run from oppression, poverty, war andrföljelse. The wars in Syria and Yemen and the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan are just a few examples of serious situations in the world. The humanitiesra situation ffor people on the run is a disaster. We should take joint responsibility for welcoming the people who are now fleeing the war in Ukraine, but also by creating a humane refugee policy with legal routes into Europe for those fleeing war and conflict elsewhere in the world.

Sweden largely has good development assistance as wellller hand class. At the same time, there are a lot of contradictionsgels dis the former S-MP government and now the S-government has shown evidence of double standards. These include the unwillingness to stand behind public country-by-country reporting at EU level, the opposition to revoking the patent on the covid-19 vaccine during the pandemic, continued austerity of Swedish asylum laws, export initiatives aimed at dictatorships, the unwillingness to introduce legislation on corporate responsibility for human rights and insufficient legislation to restrict arms exports to dictatorships.

For a long time, the Left Party has been a driving force for Sweden to achieve the goal that one percent of GNI should be set aside for international development cooperation. Sweden has reached that goal and now it's time to move on, the need for a functioning and effective aidnd is large. Därfear boor one percentålet gear to a one per cent floor that development cooperation must not be less than.

With a strained climate emergency, huge global gaps, lack of basicowning democratic rights around the world and lack of basic necessities such as clean water, it is not serious that the Moderates work to reduce Swedish aid and drop the one percent target. We do is also to say the least responsible that the government has chosen to yeareven the possibility of extensive settlements by greatly reducing developmentareåthe end fto finance the reception of the people fleeing Ukraine. Sida has already suffered large reductions in funding, including on important issues relating to human rights, democracy and support for civil society. The government's reduced developmentareånd will prevailrra it already strained humanitarian situation in the world and Sweden's reputation in development aid contexts will deteriorate significantly.

reactionhonor, patriarchal and racist currents, often with the support of an economic elite, reap success by targeting the already most vulnerable and destroying the environment and climate. At this time, a strong policy of equality, justice and sustainable global development is needed. FöR Vthe left-wing party, development and development aid policy is an important tool for a bearthree, hållbar and more fair world.

The Riksdag parties' view of Swedish development cooperation

Utvecklingsmagasinet has contacted all eight parliamentary parties and offered them to write debate articles about their views on Swedish development cooperation - how they view the one percent goal and how they want development cooperation to look in the future. The articles and any replicas will be published on an ongoing basis 

This is a debate article. The author is responsible for analysis and opinions in the text.

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