In her Almedal speech, the Center Party's Annie Lööf gave a gloomy picture of the world around her, with insecurity and climate change in focus. But with the help of technology, collaborations and a working individual, much can be improved, she said.
The Center Party's party leader came directly into global politics by giving a gloomy description of the world situation. She mentioned 12 million divorced children in the world, the Brexit process in the UK, Withdrawal from the United States from the nuclear agreement with Russia and the revolutionary EU election with many right-wing extremist voices.
A recurring theme in Annie Lööf's speech was security.
- A security that we build together with our neighbors in Europe and globally. The way forward is spelled more cooperation, she said.
To get there, Annie Lööf thinks that we need a stronger rule of law - with stricter penalties and more police - as well as an expanded Swedish defense.
But she referred not only to a social security, but also a security linked to the environment and climate - another major theme during the speech. Lööf referred to environmental problems "far away but also here in Sweden". She took examples such as bottom death in the oceans, the low groundwater levels on Gotland and dead whales in the Mediterranean - with 22 kilos of plastic in their stomachs. She also talked about last year's Swedish record drought and its consequences, both for farmers and forest owners.
The party leader said that last year she presented the proposal for negative emissions, technology that both reduces carbon dioxide emissions and removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This will be "a global project of the same size and revolutionary change as the lunar landing was in 1969", she said.
The technology was a recurring measure of climate problems in Annie Lööf's speech. Through research and major economic investments for greener fuels, renewable energy and initiatives for cleaner seas and waters, Sweden will become greener, Lööf said. She thinks that Sweden must become a pioneering country for global climate work and smart, green technology.
- If you want to create a better future for yourself and others, well then you must first roll up your sleeves and show the way yourself, she said.
Although climate and the environment were important parts of the speech, the party leader did not talk about the underlying causes - or who is responsible for climate change and emissions. In general, the solution picture was very much based on the entrepreneur and cooperation. Liberalization and a working individual are what will get the world on the right track, according to Annie Lööf.