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September 11 is election day in Sweden, and even more people should show their commitment to global development issues on the ballot. That is what FUF member Marcus Karlén writes in a column. Photo: Jens OZ Ehrs/Southerly Clubs. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


What are you doing on September 11th?

Election day is a day of celebration for Swedish democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of association and political equality. And even more should demonstrate their commitment to global development issues on the ballot and through political engagement. That's what Marcus Karlén, non-profit active within FUF, writes in a column about the parliamentary election on 11 September.

On September 11, you vote for the political party that aligns with your values. It is an opportunity for you to translate your values ​​in development issues, sustainability issues and human rights into a ballot in the ballot box.

Unlike some other electoral democracies, you vote with great personal security and high legal security in Sweden. The form of government ch. 3 Section 1 states that the Riksdag is appointed through free, secret and direct elections. And when you vote, the high turnout is maintained and our politicians get a good representative reflection of the composition of the population.

For those of you who are interested in Sweden's role in the world, election day means an opportunity to make an impact - both in your local area and in the wider world. Politics has the power to change and the policy therefore needs you. Election day deserves even greater support and commitment. Bring your family, course participants and neighbors to the most important day of the year. Together we can show our interests in politics.

And for those of you who have no idea how the political parties view various development policy issues, Utvecklingsmagasinet has previously published several articles on the topic. FUF's Almedals editorial office, for example, analyzed all party leaders' speeches during Almedals Week and summarized whether, and if so which, global development issues the party leaders mentioned. The analyzes showed a big difference between the parties – three Riksdag parties focused solely on Sweden in their speeches, while others touched on the climate, the war in Ukraine and Swedish aid, among other things. You will find all analyses here. Development magazine has also requested debate articles from all parties in the Riksdag about how they want Sweden to work with global development issues - including the climate, peace and security, democratic development and human rights. Five out of eight parties submitted articles: 

If you are interested in global development, it is good to know where the parties stand on these issues - in order to be able to do one as informed a choice as possible when standing at the ballot box. If you want to get even more involved in matters of your heart the next step is political membership, then engagement and finally a fiduciary mission. All of these are important things to maintain both Swedish democracy and Sweden's international work for peace and development.

This is a chronicle. The author is responsible for analysis and opinions in the text.

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