The Moderates' party leader Ulf Kristersson talked a lot about Swedish interests in his Almedal speech on Monday night. The picture is from last year's speech. Photo: Johan Wessman / News Øresund (CC BY 3.0)


Swedish interests in focus in the moderates' speeches

Individualism and community are the values ​​that should characterize politics, according to the moderate party leader Ulf Kristersson. His party leadership numbers were marked by Swedish interests. What Sweden has obligations to the outside world, however, was unclear.

A year has passed since the moderates' Ulf Kristersson last stood on Almedalen's big stage, but according to the party leader himself, Sweden and the world still face largely the same problem. He describes a world with new threats, but also new opportunities for Sweden - both nationally and internationally.

Kristersson talks about the importance of equipping Sweden in a troubled world. With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, Sweden's ties to the EU must be reconnected and Swedish politicians dusted off by “school German”. According to the Moderates, the emerging aggression from Russia is one of several reasons for Sweden to join NATO.

Kristersson also touches on the question of Sweden's attitude to other countries' oppression and restrictions on human rights. He cites China as an example of what he believes is the world's first economically successful dictatorship, which also illegally holds a Swedish citizen captive. It should not be accepted, but he does not further develop how we should act to actively take a stand for human rights.

The moderate leader gives a real boot to the government, which he believes has lost control of climate policy with its bicycle subsidies and climate anxiety therapy. According to Kristersson, what Sweden needs is a radical climate change with more electricity and fourth-generation nuclear power. However, there is no deeper analysis of resource use and Sweden's role in the climate issue.

Kristersson continues to talk about the importance of values ​​in our society. Sweden must be a liberal democracy with independent individuals and tolerant societies. Anyone who chooses to come to our country must adapt to our society and our values. He consistently highlights individualism and community that values ​​Sweden needs to gather around and draw strength from. However, the height of community in global contexts seems to be reduced to a NATO membership.

Although Kristersson begins strongly with several global references, the analysis and problem description mainly revolve around Swedish interests. What exactly is Sweden's role in the world? The issue of valuation and our rights in Sweden are consistently a clear thread during the course of the speech, but Sweden's obligations to the rest of the world are vaguely included in the Moderates' new Swedish model. Kristersson can therefore be perceived as contradictory when he says that "Sweden needs the world much more than the world needs Sweden".

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