During da past week has the other one the week of the UN climate summit COP28 got off the ground. Done has been mirrored on Swedish opinionssidor, where, among other things, trading in emissions rights and demands for increasing use of biofuel in the aviation industry have been debated. Also behovet of a transfer of responsibility from the individual and the individual consumer to system level has is lifted.
DN's lead writer Susanne Nyström compares the climate crisis with the final scene of the movie Planet of the Apes - which reveals the grim fate of the Earth. She points out that the warming the earth is going through now is already a nightmare, but that we are rushing towards an increasingly worse nightmare with water shortages, crop failure and pandemics that would mean the decline of civilization, if the warming reaches 3-4 degrees.
- If someone is thrown into space today and lands on Earth in a couple of hundred or a thousand years, climate change may well have caused them to come back to an unpleasant planet, she writes.
Annie Croona, editorial writer at Dagens ETC, wonders how come we shop when the world's biggest crisis is breathing down our necks. She points out that the individual consumer who wants to afford the only Christmas present of the year should not be saddled with debt - but the system. This is because there is hope for change, which another of our time's biggest crises, the pandemic, shed light on. Something we humans value even more highly than material happiness is kindness and the desire to take care of each other.
In Altinget, three researchers from Chalmers and KTH write about the simplest climate investment the individual can make: defrosting the air. For the Swede, this would mean halving the number of flights. Air traffic accounts for 3,5 percent of the global impact on climate change, for Swedes, however, the corresponding figure is 10 percent. The research trio concludes by calling for tools for structural change – including demands for increasing the use of biofuel in aviation fuel. They are also asking for a problem insight into aviation's climate impact, a necessity in order to gain political support for changes.
Center Party MEP Emma Wiesner reports from the climate summit and highlights existing trading systems in Canada, Japan and California as important pieces of the puzzle together with the EU's when a system for trading emission rights is to become global. This is the most important discussion during COP28, according to Weisner.
- His we expect the countries to go from words to action, she writes.
Climate change
When we defend hyperconsumption, I see how sick we are
Annie Croona, editorial writer, Dagens ETC
Soon the cry of a bygone civilization is heard: You ruined everything, you bastards!
Susanne Nyström, editorial writer, Dagens Nyheter
Reply: For Swedes, flying can be the most beneficial climate action
Jörgen Larsson and Jonas Nässén, researchers, Chalmers University of Technology; Jonas Åkerman, researcher, Royal Institute of Technology, Altinget
Climate declarations are misconceived
Anita Hagelin, acting CEO of Plåt- og ventföretagen; Björn Åstedt, CEO of the Steel Construction Institute; Britta Permats, CEO Svensk Ventilation et al., Svenska Dagbladet
Weisner: All countries must take joint responsibility for pricing carbon dioxide
Emma Weisner, MEP (C), Altinget
Put children's rights and needs at the center of climate action
Pernilla Baralt, Secretary General UNICEF, Sydsvenskan
The climate is past tipping points, but it's not over yet.
Jesper Sahlin, editorial writer, Sydsvenskan
Swedish aid
It is spring for the aid review
Hanna Hellqvist, editorial writer, Svenska Dagbladet