The debate on global issues have, as usual, been dominated by the Ukraine war. But between these debate posts has Meeting of the Brics countries and Swedengiven responsibility for helping the injured and protecting journalists in Gaza discussed, llike the votes in Eastern Europe.
As in previous weeks, the war in Ukraine has dominatedat discussions about global issues in Swedish editorial and discussion pages, but this week ehWe are afraid to take off brought forward some other impacts in the debate.
Bricsof the countries sixteenth summit in Kazan was the first to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates as formal member states and the meeting has sporrat discussions in Swedish media.
I en opinion piece for Sydsvenskan says Heidi Avellan that Putin's Russian Federation has turned away from its European roots after the invasion of Ukraine. In what Putin calls "the global East" seeks land new allies. Dare collaborations with China and North Korea becoming central. Dand your mthan ordinary Russians dream of Paris and London she means.
- Det is not a small group, but a collaboration with several of the world's largest and fastest growing economies, which individually and together have great power and influence in the world, describes Southern Sweden editorial board.
They mean to summitt testifies to the members' vision for a new world order with increased polarization between the blocs and there economic relations is built on nationalism and protectionism rather than trust.
Att UN Secretary-General António Guterres attendssaid at Bricsthe meeting has been the subject of discussion. While Sydsvenskan's editorial board adopts a more nuanced stance, others are more critical.
In en leader i Svenska Dagbladet says Erik Thyselius that Guterres' participation lends legitimacy to Putin and his regime and undermines the UN's credibility at a time when the organization's role is already being questioned.
- As long as Guterres is Secretary-General, the UN's journey down the trust cellar will continue. The world community deserves better, concludes Thyselius.
Crucial val i Eastern Europe
With en knapp marginal voted people i Moldova yes to one future EUmembership. The thinnest results that demonstrates of Moldova exposure for Russia influence attempts mean the election observer Olof crown of honor i en leader to Svenska Dagbladet. In his opinion is President Maia Sandus most important task nu to ena country to en way against Europe.
At the same time was going on what was described as a decisive val i Georgia. Mattias Svenssson writes in an editorial in same newspaper that Georgian vseller stood infront of valet between one Russia-friendly parts and democratic alternativ that doesn't approach itself the EU.
Svensson praisemer the Georgians for his mobilization against the ruling party Georgian dream that has called opposition parties warmonger and threatened with "ryskt military violence" om people want to gives them his voices.
But he asks themselves too why the Georgian the people's kamp want to engaging more i Sweden and emphasizes the weight av to support the democracy movement i country.
- In addition to it lies i our direct geopolitical interest to Georgia want to becomes en Russian audio state, borders of the activists pay engage each Europe, democrat and friend of freedom, finishes he.
Development in the Middle East
- Vi requires to governments reconsiders the decision and sounds for us handle wait from gaza, type three: representative for The Healthcare Association in a debate article i Expressen.
The representatives remind the government that Sweden has en obligation to ta emot wait that members by the United Nations and EU and gives example of andra European countries, among andra Norway, that has posed up.
Further refers those to Karolinska the university hospital and the care company Aleris that has announced to de has the capacity to ta emot wait from Gaza outside that so happens on bekostnad av annan care.
After reading Sakine Modon text i Focus reflects Susanna Popova around the changes in the Swedish one the law on incitement against ethnic groups, which now criminalises denial of genocide and crimes against humanity.
I Svenska Dagbladet warns popova because future legal rulings may lead to critics of Israel also being at risk of prosecution.
- But then the question arises: Have they considered that in a future where a decision on a violation of international law has been issued by a recognized international court, it might as well be themselves who are convicted? For example as October 7 deniers, writes Popova.
In a war that has killed most journalists in modern times, the government must do more to secure press freedom. Da mean he goes Swedish publicists in a call to the government i Expressen.
- We ans that the Swedish government must speak plainly about how the acts of war affect journalism, demand that journalists be allowed into Gaza and that they be protected from violence from all parties, they write.
The publicists conclude with a question to Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard and Culture Minister Parisa Liljestrand.
- What is Sweden doing in the EU and the UN to protect free speech - so that the outside world will know what is happening in the war-torn Middle East?
Elections in Eastern Europe
A choice between Russia and Europe
Olof Ehrenkrona, Svenska Dagbladet
Important elections in Georgia and Moldova
Rasmus Canbäck, reporter Blankspot,
Olof Ehrenkrona, Andreas Ericson, Svenska Dagbladet
Another fateful choice for democracy
Mattias Svensson, Svenska Dagbladet
The bric meeting
Putin's new friends and new world.
Heidi Avellan, Southern Sweden
The Bricslands are no slouch.
Editorial board, Sydsvenskan
Therefore, we should care less about the UN
Erik Thyselius, Svenska Dagbladet
The war in the Middle East
We are ready - let's receive casualties from Gaza
Sineva Ribeiro, chairman of the association Vårdförbundet,
Janí Stjernström, vice-chairman Vårdförbundet,
Madelene Meramveliotaki, vice president Vårdförbundet,
in Expressen
Irritation that sticks in the throat
Susanna Popova, Svenska Dagbladet
The Lebanese are squeezed between Iran and Israel
Somar Al Naher, Today's ETC
What is the government doing for freedom of the press in the war?
Representatives of Svenska pen, Journalisten, Flamman, Publicistklubben, NTM, Gratistidningarna, Reporters without borders, Sveriges tidskrifter, Aftonbladet, Digning journalists, Tidningsggivarna,
in Aftonbladet