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Debaters demand that the EU and the rest of the world act more unitedly and forcefully in support of the protests in Iran. Pictured: Demonstrations in Stockholm in solidarity with Iranian women's freedom struggle. Photo: Artin Bakhan. Source: Unsplash.

Current debate

Week 40: "Support for women in Iran must not stop at murmurs"

The discussion around the outside world's support for the protests in Iran continues. Several debaters believe that Sweden, the EU and the free world must now move from words to action. Also Erdogan outcome of a Swedish satirical program has been discussed during the past week.  

For the third week in a row, the protests in Iran dominate Sweden's debate and editorial pages. 22-year-old Mahsa Jina Amini was beaten by the Iranian morality police for not wearing her veil properly, and shortly afterwards she died. This has created a feminist revolution in the country. During the week, it has been discussed how the outside world must go from words to action to support the freedom struggle in Iran.  

- No one is free until all women are free, write Evin Incir and Aadeh Rojhan (S) in Expressen. They believe that the EU must introduce sanctions against all those in the regime behind the murder of Amini. They demand that Sweden and the EU must immediately act forcefully and unitedly.  

- Support for women in Iran must not stop at murmurs - now sanctions are required, writes Susanna Kierkegaard in Aftonbladet. Kierkegaard referred to MEP Abir Al-Sahlani's actions when she took the podium in the European Parliament. Al-Sahlani criticized the EU for being too soft on the regime in Iran and she cut off her hair in protest against the Iranian regime's oppression.  

Other debaters criticize Sweden's passivity after Germany together with a number of other countries published a joint sanctions proposal. 

- Sweden's reluctance to condemn the Iranian regime is a violation of our long tradition as a moral voice in world politics. It risks becoming a disgrace in the country's history, write Mouna Esmaeilzadeh and Shoka Åhrman in a debate article i Dagens Nyheter. They demand that Sweden, the EU and the free world must hold the regime accountable for its actions.  

Debaters criticize Erdogan's outburst after satire show

Earlier this week, a satirical feature about Turkish President Erdogan was made in SVT's program Svenska Nyheter. Sweden's ambassador was then called up to the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who said the content was insulting and unacceptable. In an article in DN's, the newspaper's editor-in-chief writes about Sweden's freedom of expression.  

- Sad for you, is really all that needs to be said, they write in Today's news, and refers to both Erdogan and China's President Xi Jinping, who Svenska Nyheter has also joked about. 

The protests in Iran
Cut hair was the beginning - now sanctions are required 

Susanna Kierkegaard, Aftonbladet 

Iran's oppressive regime must be fought by the EU

Evin Incir (MEP for S) and Azadeh Rojhan (Member of Parliament for S), Expressen 

Sweden's silence before the protests in Iran is a betrayal

Mouna Esmaeilzadeh (physician and brain scientist) and Shoka Åhrman (economist and author), Dagens Nyheter 

Sweden must back Iran's brave women

Unsigned editorial, Expressen 

Your academic feminism is not helping the women of Iran 

Amineh Kakabaveh (former Member of Parliament politically wild from V), Expressen 

Women's revolutions have a greater chance of success 

Isobel Hadley-Kamptz, Dagens Nyheter 

Resisting in Iran requires enormous courage

Tone Schunesson, Aftonbladet

Erdogan's outburst after satirical program

"Swedish news" will pull down Erdogan's pants

DN editorial office, Dagens Nyheter

Sweden's support to Ukraine

Get to work Kristersson- Ukraine needs Swedish billions

DN's editorial board, Dagens Nyheter  

We don't need your soldiers, but your unity and solidarity

Olof Ehrenkrona, Svenska Dagbladet 

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