Are Sweden's global debaters sitting and resting after Christmas food and New Year celebrations? Or is it domestic policy that will characterize 2019? The first week of the year contained very little debate about Sweden's role in the world.
The debate on global development shone with its absence on many opinion pages during the first week of 2019. But an issue that, after all, was given some space was Sweden's role in the UN Security Council. At the turn of the year, the two-year period ended when Sweden had one of the 15 seats on the Security Council - and the evaluations came immediately.
Foreign Minister Margot Wallström is pleased with Sweden's efforts and writes on DN Debatt that it has led to many advances. For example, the war in Yemen has come up on the agenda and the first peace talks were held in Sweden. The Security Council has also started working more with gender equality and for the first time they have made connections between climate change and security. “With the results in hand, we know that Sweden can make a difference. Big difference ", writes Margot Wallström.
The Swedish editorial boards are not as impressed. Sydsvenskan writes that Sweden's importance is on the margins and that the Security Council has rather been “business as usual” in recent years.
Dagens Nyheter also believes that it is doubtful whether Sweden has made any difference and likens Sweden's time in the Security Council to a starving soup served with a fork. "The shirt inevitably gets stains and it is not particularly satisfying," they write.
What Dagens Nyheter wonders is what "the soup cost" - and then refers to the Swedish campaigns to be voted in the UN Security Council. "That information is necessary, both to determine whether the two years were worth their price and for us to be able to decide whether we should run again," writes Dagens Nyheter.
Sweden in the Security Council
"Sweden has made a difference over the years in the Security Council"
Margot Wallström, Dagens Nyheter
We still do not know what Wallström's soup cost
The editorial staff, Dagens Nyheter
The same old show in the Security Council. Despite Sweden.
Editorial board, Sydsvenskan
The climate
Greta Thunberg does not ask those in power for help
Pernilla Ericson, Aftonbladet
"Sweden can save the Amazon"
Alexandre Antonelli et al., Svenska Dagbladet
The climate conference table justice
Göran Collste and David Collste, OmVärlden
"Target aid to carbon capture"
Jonas Grafström, Svenska Dagbladet
Migrants in the Mediterranean
This is how the EU opposes us saving lives in the Mediterranean
Martina Svensson, Luwam Bede and Astrid Börjesson, Expressen
How to best help in the Mediterranean?
Per Gudmundson, Svenska Dagbladet
Cooperation agreement with Cuba
"The Riksdag must say no to the EU agreement with Cuba"
Anders L Pettersson and Erik Jennische, Dagens Nyheter