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Dried land.

The effects of climate change could be fatal to the earth, according to a new report from the UN Climate Panel.

Current debate

The climate raises debate about Sweden's responsibility

The UN's climate panel The IPCC's new report engages debaters and lead writers, and a major focus is on Sweden's role in climate development. At the same time, Sweden's responsibility in other global development issues shines through with its absence in the media.

The climate and the IPCC's new report dominate last week's agenda for both editorials and debate posts. The headline "This is the last chance - then we are all fried" from Expressen's leaders reflects the acute situation described - and given the IPCC's alarming results, it is no wonder that the climate engages experts and individual debaters as well as entire editorial boards.

A major focus is on the monumental and crucial climate work that Sweden's new parliament - and not yet formed government - is facing. Göran Sundqvist, professor of science and technology studies, believes that the IPCC's report should form the basis for the ongoing government negotiations and for the policy that will be pursued thereafter.

Johanna Sandahl, Linda Burenius Magnusson and Johan Rockström write that we must introduce a ban on fossil fuels. Between the lines of the texts that touch on the climate, a kind of despair shines through, at the same time as several calls and concrete proposals are presented to avoid the disaster we have hitherto embarked on.

In the shadow of the fatal climate issue, the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Denis Mukege and Nadia Murad is being addressed for their efforts against the use of sexual violence as a weapon in war and armed conflict. Hans Linde and Mariann Eriksson write in OmVärlden about how Sweden's support for sexual and reproductive rights is more important than ever. And in Svenska Dagbladet's leaders, Delkhwaz Haciy and Nuri Kino call on Sweden to stop deporting survivors of genocide to places where war crimes are still ongoing.


We must ban fossil fuels
Johanna Sandahl, Linda Burenius Magnusson, Johan Rockström, Aftonbladet

Major challenges for the new Swedish government in the IPCC's climate report
Göran Sundqvist, Dagens Nyheter

The climate report shows that politicians have mountains to climb
Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff (unsigned), Dagens Nyheter

This is the last chance - then we're all fried
Expressen's editorial staff (unsigned), Expressen

Sexual violence in wars and conflicts

Sweden's support for sexual and reproductive rights more important than ever
Hans Linde & Mariann Eriksson, OmVärlden

Stop the deportation of genocide victims
Delkhwaz Haciy & Nuri Kino, Svenska Dagbladet

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