What consequences will there be for China's ambassador to Sweden after a series of undemocratic initiatives? This is a question that several editorial boards have asked themselves in the past week. In addition, the World Economic Forum is considered to be characterized by the climate crisis for the first time.
China's ambassador to Sweden is accused of pressure, attacks and threats against journalists. This has created debate both about the individual ambassador and about China's increasingly offensive propaganda.
“It is possible to support Chinese-speaking free media in the outside world and democracy movements such as in Hong Kong. It is possible to mark rock hard against trampling, for example send diplomats home who threaten journalists ", writes Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff.
Expressen's editorial staff emphasizes the importance of Swedish media's independent reporting.
"In solidarity with the Chinese people, we should of course also continue to talk openly about the serious human rights violations in the country. Only the Chinese regime has anything to gain from the silence, "writes Expressen's editorial staff.
This week, the World Economic Forum's annual meeting is taking place in Davos, where intellectual, political and economic leaders gather. For the first time, the main theme seems to be the transition to a more climate-friendly world economy, which Sydsvenskan's editorial staff thought was a matter of course.
“Against the greenhouse effect, it is not enough to act as individual countries. No matter how the matter is turned and twisted, it remains a shared responsibility to reduce emissions. That is why the climate theme in Davos is really as given as welcome, ”writes Sydsvenskan's editorial staff.
The meeting pits the opposite poles of the climate debate, Greta Thunberg and Donald Trump. Sydsvenskan's editorial board states that the US president is relatively alone. A majority of 1 business leaders in 581 countries have a gloomy view of economic development due to a growing concern about the greenhouse effect, Sydsvenskan writes.
A selection of the last week's editorial and debate articles about Sweden's role in the world:
Chinese Ambassador
China is a threat to the world's media
Editorial staff, Dagens nyheter
China's attacks on the media are just the tip of the iceberg
The editorial staff, Expressen
Break the Swedish silence
Olle Wästberg, Svenska Dagbladet
World Economic Forum
Climate focus is a given. Also at the meeting in Davos
Editorial staff, Sydsvenskan
No time to get lost in Swedish climate policy
Editorial board, Sydsvenskan