Since 2014, Sweden has tripled its measures to developing countries regarding climate technology, emission reductions and climate adaptation. Now the government announces that they will increase climate investments.
Sweden has become a pioneering country in terms of green transition and is at the forefront of the countries that contribute to the UN's Green Climate Fund (GCF), which works to support the climate measures of developing countries with grants and initiatives.
In mid-September, the government presented its budget proposal in which SEK 10 billion is proposed to go to environment and climate initiatives, according to Swedish Radio. SEK 2,2 billion is now proposed to go to rebuilding industries and companies to benefit the climate, SEK 2045 billion to protection and conservation of nature. Efforts to create more environmentally friendly travel and transport are also a large part of the budget, which is part of Sweden's work to achieve the climate goals by XNUMX.
National and international environmental goals
In order for developing countries to be able to achieve climate goals, many are dependent on aid. The population in developing countries is often more dependent on natural resources in nearby areas such as fishing and agriculture. They are often hit harder by climate change and are in great need of assistance from Sweden and SIDA, among others.
In many developing countries, renewable energy is still expensive compared to energy from fossil energy sources such as coal and natural gas. Developing countries that may have greater emissions and pollution-related problems can receive grants through the UN Green Climate Fund.
- Therefore, for some countries, changing green will only be possible with external funding, says Meena Raman from Third World network (TWN) who sat on GCF's board to the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
More investments in developing countries
According to Minister for the Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin, it is important that Sweden invests in climate-smart solutions both in Sweden and in developing countries.
- Climate leadership is about leading both nationally and internationally. Through our climate work, we have shown that Sweden can lead the way with sharply reduced emissions while helping poorer countries adapt their societies to a warmer climate and develop climate-smart, says Isabella Lövin in a press release.
By 2045 at the latest, Sweden will have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, in order to subsequently achieve negative emissions. The goal means that emissions of greenhouse gases from Swedish territory must be at least 85 percent lower in 2045 than emissions in 1990.
UN Green Climate Fund (GCF)
The Green Climate Fund was established by the UN in 2010 and has a crucial role to play in supporting the Paris Agreement. The purpose of the GCF is to help developing countries with climate adaptation, reduce their countries' greenhouse gas emissions and help countries cope with the various challenges posed by climate change. Read more here: