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Nooshi Dadgostar (V) touched on Russia's war of invasion in Ukraine in his party leadership speech. Otherwise, she mostly focused on domestic politics. Photo: Axel Selin and Nora Nattorp.

Nooshi Dadgostars (V) focused on domestic politics in his Almedal speech

On Friday morning, the Left Party's Nooshi Dadgostar held the annual party leaderthe number in Almedalen. Dadgostar's speech was entirely about domestic policy, and she gave little space to global issues. 

Nooshi Dadgostar (V) began his party leadership speech in Almedalen by touching on Russia's war in Ukraine. She also highlighted the refugee crisis that the war has caused.

- Putin's insane war is an attack on all of us, she stated.

Dadgostar also pointed out how the world system is undergoing a shift, with global actors changing their minds about neoliberal approaches and realizing that "they cannot be building blocks in the future strong society". She cited examples from Great Britain, France and the United States where state investment has instead been central in recent years.

Otherwise, Dadgostar mainly focused on domestic politics in his speech and touched on, for example, infrastructure and the housing shortage in Sweden.

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