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Jimmie Åkesson (SD) briefly mentioned the Ukraine war in his party leadership speech during Almedalen Week. Otherwise, he did not mention global issues. Photo: Alice Eriksson and Sandra Duru.


Jimmie Åkesson (SD) has little to say about global issues in his Almedal speech

In Jimmie Åkesson's (SD) party leadership speech during Almedalen Week, he mentioned, among other things, how Putin's actions against Ukraine have shaken the outside world. Apart from the war in Ukraine, and the proposal to place convicted persons in prisons abroad, Jimmie Åkesson did not mention foreign or development aid issues. Instead, he focused on domestic policy and directing criticism at the current government.

Many white SD caps were seen in the audience when Jimmie Åkesson (SD) spoke on stage in Almedalen on Wednesday. He spoke briefly about the war in Ukraine, the human suffering Ukrainians have suffered and the prices that have increased as a result of the war. He also condemned the increase in petrol prices, which he believes is a result of the current government's policies, calling it an example of "pure self-harming behavior".

- Then we must take the slap when the government has decided that Sweden should save the world, said Jimmie Åkesson.

Wants to reduce aid

In the Sweden Democrats' election platform, the party writes that they want to reduce international aid sharply and that they want an aid framework of 0,7 percent of GNI - that is, 0,3 percentage points less than the current one percent target. In Jimmie Åkesson's party leadership speech, however, neither aid nor their proposal for a reduction in aid was mentioned.

The party leader's speech instead revolved around the removal of the incumbent government. He also presented some of the proposals the Sweden Democrats have put forward regarding the census, foreign prisons and paid police training.

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