How should Sweden's decision - makers act towards arrested and returning Swedes who traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the IS caliphate? Deprivation of citizenship, Sweden's responsibility and security has been intensively discussed this week.
The main leader of Sydsvenskan criticizes Prime Minister Stefan Löfven's decision not to actively help IS Swedes get home as if to close their eyes to the problem. Hen believes that Sweden must take responsibility for its citizens, and not worsen the situation for the Kurdish forces on the ground in Syria: “Now the Kurds are apparently also expected to take responsibility for protecting Sweden from the country's own citizens by preventing them from returning home. At the same time, Sweden expects other countries to receive their citizens who are expelled from here. ”
In Dagens Nyheter, Erik Helmerson, like the main leader of Sydsvenskan, asks: Why should we hand over responsibility for the terror Swedes in countries like Syria and Iraq?
Gunnar Aronsson, Devin Rexvid and Astrid Schlytter write in a debate post in Göteborgs-Posten that Sweden should support an international criminal tribunal where IS terrorists can be brought to justice. They believe that Sweden has the capacity to financially start the process of getting the prisoners there. They write that "There is no complete restoration, but Sweden and Europe can play an important role in a process towards restoration".
Terrorism researcher Magnus Norell agrees with his article in GP where he expresses that it is not enough to duck for the problem, as the current policy results in, but that Sweden must instead clearly mark against the individuals who voluntarily supported IS. If this is not done, Sweden, as a nation state, risks signaling that active participation in a regime such as IS will have no consequences.
Syria / Iraq
"How can the victims of IS terror be redressed"
Gunnar Aronsson, Devin Rexvid, Astrid Schlytter, GP
"Jihadists do not disappear because we close our eyes"
Principal, Sydsvenskan
"Participating in IS terrorism must have consequences"
Magnus Norell. GP
"Against IS terrorists requires more reason than emotion"
Eric Helmerson. DN
"One day they came with a tub of boiling water which they poured over the woman and her children"
Irene Kruse, Southern Sweden
"Fighting nationalism in Europe is fighting for democracy"
Jaime Gomez, SVT