Watch video interviews with human rights defenders, follow seminars on Twitter and see photos and surveys with visitors. FUF's editorial staff was present at the Human Rights Days in Stockholm.
The MRI days lasted from Thursday to Saturday and here we will publish our material.
You will also find:
Video interviews on FUF Play
Seminar monitoring on Twitter
Pictures and surveys on Instagram
Join us for three days filled with a discussion on human rights.
Nazha El Khalidi on the threat to journalists in Western Sahara
Nazha El Khalidi is a journalist and activist from the occupied Western Sahara. She documents and reports on human rights violations - something that puts her in great danger. In the interview, she talks about where she gets her courage from and why the media is often seen as a threat by those in power. Interviewer Patrick Bryant.
Micah Grzywnowicz about the progress for LGBTQI rights
Micah Grzywnowicz is the international advocacy advisor at RFSL, the Swedish Federation for LGBTQ Rights. In the interview Micah tells us about progress for LGBTQI rights around the world and how Agenda 2030 can be a useful tool. Klaramaria Pollak is interviewing.
Martin Ratcovich on how international law should protect refugees
Martin Ratcovich is a doctoral student in international law at Stockholm University. His dissertation is about the rules of international law on protection and rescue of refugees at sea. In the interview, he tells how international law should protect refugees. Interviewer Mary Bagenda.
Akiko Ahl: "Security is a major obstacle for the Somali people"
Akiko Ahl has been sent by the Folke Bernadotte Academy to the UN force UNOSOM in Somalia. In the interview, she talks about her work in Somalia and how Somalia can become safer. Sana Pirot does interviews.