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MRI days


Follow our monitoring of the MRI days

Watch video interviews with human rights defenders, follow seminars on Twitter and see photos and surveys with visitors. FUF's editorial staff was present at the Human Rights Days in Stockholm.

The MRI days lasted from Thursday to Saturday and here we will publish our material.

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Video interviews on FUF Play
Seminar monitoring on Twitter
Pictures and surveys on Instagram

Join us for three days filled with a discussion on human rights.


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"FUF asks" continues the last day on @mrdagarna. Second question: What do you want to improve when it comes to human rights? 1. Fanny, ActionAid: Equality for all, but focusing on girls' and women's rights. I believe that society will be better off if all marginalized groups are heard in their own voices based on their conditions. 2. Niclas Larsen, Anita Vesterman and Tanja Bäckman, the police authority: All people should feel good. The question is difficult. But world peace should be preserved, e.g. The Yemen conflict. If there is peace, there are conditions that it can get better. To strengthen and safeguard the democratic process, fundamental freedoms and freedom of expression. Everything that is under democracy should be improved. Gisela Rossi Santillan, fempwrmnt: Difficult question, but to work more preventively with violence in close relationships between men and women and non-binary and to work preventively at all levels to end violence against women and non-binary and in close relations. - 3. Mohamad Altmimi, visitor: In order to create peace, we must fight extremists regardless of religion and fight terrorism. Extremely radical thoughts can lead to terrorism. That is exactly what I think should be improved in human rights, to preserve peace.

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Nazha El Khalidi on the threat to journalists in Western Sahara

Nazha El Khalidi is a journalist and activist from the occupied Western Sahara. She documents and reports on human rights violations - something that puts her in great danger. In the interview, she talks about where she gets her courage from and why the media is often seen as a threat by those in power. Interviewer Patrick Bryant.

Micah Grzywnowicz about the progress for LGBTQI rights

Micah Grzywnowicz is the international advocacy advisor at RFSL, the Swedish Federation for LGBTQ Rights. In the interview Micah tells us about progress for LGBTQI rights around the world and how Agenda 2030 can be a useful tool. Klaramaria Pollak is interviewing.

Martin Ratcovich on how international law should protect refugees

Martin Ratcovich is a doctoral student in international law at Stockholm University. His dissertation is about the rules of international law on protection and rescue of refugees at sea. In the interview, he tells how international law should protect refugees. Interviewer Mary Bagenda.


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"FUF asks" makes a comeback on @mrdagarna! First out: What do human rights mean to you? 1. Stina Lindqvist, high school student: As the first article, everyone has the right to a safe life. Safety and security. 2. Linnea Lindblom, high school student: It is a matter of course for all people on earth, they must be accepted and respected by all. Everyone should have the right to it. 3. Aisha Nuurhassa, high school student: That everyone has the right to be themselves and has the right to be protected, accepted and respected for their opinions. One should not be exploited and no one should look down on one. 4. Hillevi Brandt, Malmö against discrimination: I think the equal value of all people, basically. And the right to equal rights and opportunities. 5. Karl Johnson, @foreningen_ordfront / volunteer: We humans must be able to be the individuals we are. That we can live side by side in harmony with each other and benefit from each other's experiences. Society must ensure that every human being has something to contribute to the future development of each country. 6. Evelina Jörhov, activist at @diakonia_sweden: Equal value and equal opportunities for all people.

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Akiko Ahl: "Security is a major obstacle for the Somali people"

Akiko Ahl has been sent by the Folke Bernadotte Academy to the UN force UNOSOM in Somalia. In the interview, she talks about her work in Somalia and how Somalia can become safer. Sana Pirot does interviews.

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