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For the first time ever, the UN summarizes the world's climate work - and calls on countries to take more ambitious measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Photo (left): Matt Palmer. Source: Unsplash. Photo (right): The report Global Stocktake's third and final technical dialogue opens at the Bonn Climate Change Conference. Photo: UNclimatechange. Source: Flickr.

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The UN warns: The world's climate work is not enough

The countries of the world are far from reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement, and emissions could exceed the interim targets by 40 percent if something is not done immediately. It shows the newly released Global stock roof- the report - in which the UN for the first time ever summarizes the climate work of the world's countries. The report launchesas ahead of the UN climate conference, COP28, to put pressure on the countries of the world to scale up the work against climate change.

The countries of the world must put an end to the use of coal, oil and natural gas in all sectors, increase the production of renewable energy and invest in climate-friendly innovations. These are some of the points that need to be resolved immediately if the world is to have a chance of reaching the climate goals in the Paris Agreement, shows the newly released Global stocktake-the report - which is written by the UN Climate Convention.

The report shows the progress the world's countries are making in climate work, including in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and where the work needs to be improved. The result of the report is clear – much more needs to be done. As things stand now, emissions will be 40 percent above the interim target in 2030, which we must achieve to meet the 1,5 degree target, reports Dagens Nyheter.

Part of the Paris Agreement

The Global Stocktake Report is a fundamental part of the Paris Agreement – ​​the global climate agreement that has been concluded between almost all the countries of the world. The Paris Agreement stipulates that the global temperature rise should be kept below 2°C, and preferably limited to 1,5° C. As part of the Paris Agreement, it is included to summarize the climate work of the world's countries every five years in order to be able to steer it in the right direction, a task that the UN Climate Convention is responsible for.

Since the Paris Agreement was concluded in 2015, the ambition for global climate work has increased worldwide. During the climate conference in Glasgow 2021, the countries of the world reached the collective decision The Glasgow Climate Pact - which for the first time mentions the role of fossil fuels in climate work.

But it is not enough and much more powerful policies are needed on all fronts in order for us to reach the Paris Agreement's 1,5 degree target, the latest report shows. The UN climate convention believes that the world's countries should understand the report's results as a warning bell.

- I urge countries to carefully study the findings of the report and ultimately understand what it means for them and the ambitious steps they must take next. It is the same for companies, communities and other important key actors, writes Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the Climate Convention, in a press release.

The report will put pressure on this year's climate conference

The report is launched before the UN climate conference, COP28, which occurs annually and this year will take place in Dubai in December. The ambition is that the report will put pressure on the world's countries to intensify their climate work and, in accordance with the Paris Agreement, lay the foundation for the next set of goals in terms of emission reductions to 2035 and 2040. The European Commission is also hopeful that future climate work will be based on the UN report.

- The European climate law gives the commission a mandate to present a climate target for 2040 after the first Global stocktake report, writes European Commission.

Global Stocktaking
  • The UN Climate Convention (UNFCCC) is tasked with launching a report on the status of the world's climate work every five years, starting in 2023. The report is important for monitoring and reviewing the work to achieve the goals within the Paris Agreement. 
  • Work on the report began after the UN climate summit in Glasgow in 2021. The report summarizes 17 key points in order for us to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. 
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