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Ebba Busch (KD) mentioned various peace and security issues in her party leadership speech in Almedalen on Friday evening, including Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Sweden's NATO application. "Russia's prospects for influence in Sweden must be zero," she said. Otherwise, she mostly focused on domestic politics in the speech. Photo: Charlee Salmelin.

Ebba Busch (KD) on Sweden's NATO application: "Turkey should be grateful"

Ebba Busch (KD) touched on both Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Turkey in her party leadership speech in Almedalen on Friday evening. However, the majority of the speech dealt with domestic political issues and global issues were raised only with Swedish interests in focus.

Like other party leaders, the war in Ukraine was on the agenda in Ebba Busch's speech in Almedalen. In addition to promising continued support for the Ukrainian people's fight for freedom, she touched on Sweden's approach to Russia and the "perpetrators in the Kremlin".

- The people of Ukraine do not long for repression and oppression. They yearn for freedom. The bells of freedom are ringing over Visby. They are still calling in Kyiv. And soon they will also do it in Mariupol, in Donetsk and in Crimea, Busch proclaimed.

In the speech, she predicted a bleak future for Russia in the form of "decades of political, economic and cultural isolation". She made it clear that Swedish-Russian relations will not return to any kind of normal state - as long as Putin's regime is in power.

- From now on, all our exchange, all relations with Russia must take place based on Swedish interests and values, she said.

Sweden will make NATO stronger

- Alone is not strong, security is best built together with others, said Ebba Busch regarding Sweden leaving the freedom of alliance through its application to NATO.

With our weapons systems and combat forces, she meant that "Turkey should be grateful for the help Sweden can give", and claimed that Sweden will make the whole of NATO stronger.

“Made in Sweden"

Ebba Busch also briefly touched on the climate issue from a trade perspective. She raised the issue of bureaucracy that causes Swedish investments to end up abroad, and said that Sweden's fossil-free energy means that Swedish industry advantageously produces less carbon dioxide emissions than other countries. In conclusion, the KD leader established that "made in Sweden is the future - for jobs, for the economy and for the climate".

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