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Sweden must do more to counteract the climate crisis and preserve the world's rainforests, several Swedish debaters have written during the past week. Photo: Canva.

Current debate

Week 38: Debaters demand that Sweden take responsibility for saving the rainforests

Sweden has an obligation to act more strongly when it comes to the devastation of rainforests, several Swedish debaters have expressed during the past week. At the same time, Angela Merkel is leaving power after 16 years as Chancellor of Germany and several lead writers are predicting tough challenges for the country in the future. The submarine deal between France and Australia has also been at the center of this week's debate.

During the past week, the climate issue has been in focus. Several debaters have expressed their position that Sweden can do more to save the rainforests in the world and overcome the climate crisis. In Today's ETC calls on environmentalists Amanda Palmstierna and Pär Holmgren that Sweden will defend the new law against global deforestation that will be presented by the EU Commission during the year. They demand strong legislation that covers companies and the banking sector - and believe that the responsibility should not lie with the consumer. 

- Consumer pressure and certifications are good but unfortunately not enough. The responsibility should not lie in the individual's lap or shopping basket.

In addition to climate policy, Angela Merkel's resignation has attracted attention in the Swedish debate. Dagens Nyheter's editorial staff writes that several necessary reforms in Germany should be implemented after the appointment of a new Chancellor. They believe that the country has several challenges to look forward to in the future - developing digital in the public sector, improving infrastructure and addressing underfunded defense are just a few examples. 

- The strength of the German economy should not be underestimated. But neither should the extent of the challenges that await after the election, writes the editorial board. 

The submarine deal between France and Australia is another foreign policy event that has attracted attention during the week. The conflict is about Australia refraining from signing a submarine agreement with France, but instead initiating security cooperation with the United Kingdom and the United States. The agreement is worth SEK 500 billion and would result in thousands of jobs in France. In response to the situation, French President Emmanuel Macron has recalled the country's representatives from Washington DC and reiterated his demands for a European army to be strategically independent of the United States. writes Linda Jerneck in Expressen and calls it an "unfortunate overreaction".

She also writes that the submarine deal will have consequences for Europe, whose security situation is threatened by the US's prioritization of Asia. Sweden is also affected, says Jerneck, and she emphasizes the importance of the western countries continuing to stick together in an alliance with China.

A selection of the last week's editorial and debate articles on global development and Sweden's role in the world: 

The climate issue

Sweden must do more - we cannot wait 25 years to solve the climate crisis 

Andrea Herrera and others, Dagens ETC 

Sweden must do more to save the rainforest

Amanda Palmstierna and Pär Holmgren, Dagens ETC

The election in Germany 

The world will miss Merkel after 16 years of calm and fuzzy

Gunnar Jonsson, Dagens Nyheter 

Stationary Germany must start moving after the election

DN leader, Dagens Nyheter

The submarine deal between France and Australia

The submarine deal will also have consequences for Sweden

Linda Jerneck, Expressen

The conflict with China demands more than submarines

DN leader, Dagens Nyheter 

France and Sweden will expand defense cooperation

DN Debate, Dagens Nyheter

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