Solidarity in the form of aid, joint work for the climate and support for Ukraine is the way forward, according to the Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf. The message in her party leadership speech during Almedalen Week was clear - Ukraine's thing is ours. She also mentioned Swedish aid and that the Center Party stands up for the one percent goal.
Only a few hours after Visby was shaken by a knife attack in the middle of the city center, the Center Party's Annie Lööf stepped out on stage for her Almedal speech. She began by paying attention to what had happened and directed her thoughts at the victim's family and friends.
Annie Lööf then described the situation of children affected by the war in Ukraine. Sweden must continue to support Ukraine, both humanitarianly and in the reconstruction of the country, she said.
The Center Party defends the one percent goal for Swedish development assistance, Annie Lööf explained in the party leadership speech. She also mentioned the need to work for the climate and poverty reduction at the same time.
- For us, solidarity is a matter of course, to increase climate aid and lift more people out of poverty, which also benefits global climate work. It is a smart and effective way to attack both poverty and the climate against our common planet, said Annie Lööf.
Another point the party leader made during the speech was that Sweden should be at the forefront of the green transition, both nationally and abroad. She explained, among other things, that more powerful measures are needed to overcome the culprits. She talked about the 1.5-degree goal and said that the Center Party wants to see stricter sustainability requirements together with new free trade agreements. She also made it clear that she wants to open up the EU's emissions trading system outside the EU.
- We want to create a global market for negative emissions so that those who remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere also get paid for it. Emissions - they must be stopped in all parts of the world. Now we must act for the good of the climate, said Annie Lööf.