Consequences of the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey

Fifth of the year Meeting point Europe is about the presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey. None of the presidential candidates managed to reach 50 percent in the first round, which means that there will be a second round on May 28. Meanwhile, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's AKP-led alliance appears to have secured its own majority in the parliamentary elections.

What do the conditions look like before a second round in the presidential election? How is the atmosphere in Turkey? What significance does the outcome have for the country's future direction? What can we expect in relations with the EU? How, if at all, is Sweden's NATO application affected?

To discuss these and other issues, we have a panel consisting of:

Michael Sahl, member of the Royal Academy of Military Sciences, active at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) and former ambassador to Turkey

Emma Bouvin, Turkey and Middle East correspondent at Dagens Nyheter

The conversation is led by Aras Lindh, Turkey analyst at the Institute for Foreign Policy

When: Monday 22 May, 18:00-19:30

Place: The Building Workers' Association's premises at Hagagatan 2, Stockholm

Registration takes place via email to: no later than 12:00 on May 22.

The conversation is a collaboration between the Swedish European Movement and the Association for Development Issues (FUF).

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