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Can the climate withstand eternal growth?

To eradicate extreme poverty, to reduce inequalities in the world, to resolve the climate crisis and to promote peace and justice. This is what the countries of the world through Agenda 2030 have undertaken to accomplish within the next ten years.

The seminar will primarily highlight the connection between two of the Global Goals - Goal 8: Decent working conditions and economic growth and goal 13: Fighting climate change. There is disagreement as to whether it is actually possible to combat the climate threat while the global economy continues to grow, partly because growth is closely linked to increased production and consumption of goods.

How do you work today to reach goals 8 and 13? Are there any contradictions or goal conflicts between these goals? Will we be able to achieve the goals by the year 2030? These issues will be discussed by David Collste and Therese Bennich during the seminar. David Collste works as a doctoral student at Stockholm Resilience Center, with a focus on, among other things, Agenda 2030 and development economics. Therese Bennich is a doctoral student at the Department of Natural Geography at Stockholm University and researches goal conflicts within Agenda 2030.

We offer drinks and snacks. Warm welcome!

The conversation is organized by FUF's event group, which consists of young non-profit members in the Stockholm area. Read more to learn more about the event group and how you can get involved.

Please note that lokalen is half a flight of stairs down without a lift and that the seminar is held in Swedish. 

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