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Gun-Britt Andersson - development optimist after all?

Development optimist after all?

Assistance is needed and can be useful, but it is not always easy to decide what is most important to invest in and then show results. The environment in which development assistance operates has always been complex. Today we know that aid-financed efforts to improve the world weigh lightly against the power of global economic exchange and not least against ideological and geopolitical upheavals in time. What role can - and should - aid play today? Can the little things make a difference?

Price motivation
Throughout his active life, Gun-Britt Andersson has worked on development issues as a very committed official, as a politician and as a private person. In her work at the National Agency for Development Research (SAREC), Sida and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, she has made significant contributions to the development of Sweden's development policy and development assistance. As a member of the Expert Group for Development Aid Analysis (EBA), she works to spread knowledge about development issues. She has also been active outside her official role, in recent years she has made a pioneering effort as chair of the Joha Trust, which is a support association for girls' education in Tanzania.

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