Swisha to number 1234 818 613
Label your gift with "Christmas gift"
Support our local groups this Christmas!
The past year has certainly brought trials. But despite the fact that we have barely been able to meet each other, our active members have steadily increased this year and we see a continued increase in commitment before 2021. This is the best Christmas present we can ever receive. But as you wonderful members increase, higher demands are also placed on us as an organization to be able to manage your commitment. Unfortunately, it is not always so easy to meet these requirements through specific project financing. Therefore, we now reach out to you through this Christmas campaign, and ask you to contribute so that we can keep up with the turns and support your commitment in the way you deserve!
We want to use the money we receive primarily to support our local groups, either in the form of a local group coordinator, or simply to contribute with coffee money, fees for lecturers, and more. How high we can set our goals you decide! A BIG THANK YOU to you who contribute to our Christmas campaign and who enable the involvement of our various local groups around the country!
Send your contribution
Send a contribution to us by scanning the QR code below in your Swish app, or by swishing to number 1234 818 613. The QR code generates a predetermined amount of SEK 200, but it is possible to change if you want to swish more or less. It is also possible to transfer money to us via Plusgiro: 14 32 80-6 or Bankgiro: 702-4532. Label your gift with "Christmas gift".
We wish Merry Christmas and a fair Christmas at FUF!