Today, young people's commitment to a sustainable and fair world is the main driving force behind FUF's work. But even if young people are involved in writing our texts, arranging our seminars and designing our posts on social media, it is often a matter of you highlighting the knowledge and ideas of experts and professionals. What are your visions and concerns about a fair and sustainable global future? We want to find out!
During the year, we want to gather your thoughts and ideas in an anthology about the global future. Why are you passionate about global development? How do you view international developments? What can and should the commitment to these issues look like in the future? Share your wisdom with us!
Would you like to contribute to the anthology?
Here's how to do it: You who are 32 years old or younger send us a short text (max 400 words) where you tell a little about yourself, how you are or have been involved in FUF and what you would like to focus on in your text to: no later than April 3, 2022.
Our editors then select a number of writers who are asked to submit a chapter to the book (5-7 pages, 2500-3500 words). The selection will be based, among other things, on the ambition to include a broad representation of writers and subjects.
The plan is for the anthology to be completed during the summer. If you were to get the chance to contribute to the anthology, you should therefore be prepared for the fact that you may need to process your text during the summer months.
Do you have questions about the anthology? Contact us at