FUF Linköping invites you to a lecture about the work of grassroots organizations around women's rights in rural India. The lecture will be given by Josefine Nilsson and Amanda Ömar, who have completed a four-month internship at Grameena Mahila Okkuta (GMO), which is one of Swallows India Bangladesh's partner organizations.
Date and time: May 24 at 13:15-14:30
Location: Zoom
Grameena Mahila Okutta, which means "Rural Women's Federation", is a social movement working in the Kolar district of southern India. The organization is one of the largest and most influential of its kind in the entire state of Karnataka. GMO's main focus is to increase women's livelihood opportunities and to make visible and combat gender-based violence, which is a widespread problem in India. The organization works together with Svalorna within the LEAP project (Livelihood, Empowerment and Awareness Programme), a project which aims to strengthen women's economic, social and political position in society and in the household.
Josefine Nilsson and Amanda Ömar spent the majority of their internship at GMO in the field, where they visited all project villages to discuss and work on current challenges such as alcoholism, employment economic status, gender equality, child marriage, etc. During the lecture, they will explain how grassroots organizations in India work to counteract the obstacles women have due to existing societal structures, as well as highlight the importance of supporting and collaborating with organizations abroad for a strong civil society, given the current aid debate in Sweden.
It is mandatory to register through this link to participate in the lecture.
About the organizer
FUF Linköping is one of FUF's five local groups that work on a voluntary basis to spread knowledge about global development issues. The lecture is arranged in collaboration with the study association Sensus.