
Is knowledge shared about the global goals?

During Almedalen Week, seminars are held that mention or focus on the global goals. I see the colorful symbols adorning street talkers and pins. Still, my impression is that global development issues get less space the further away from Sida's "Sweden in the world" square I move.

I wonder if ordinary people are aware of the global goals, so I ask. Out of 22 respondents, five people answer that they are in control. Of those who answered yes, only two people knew that it was about 17 different goals. With such a low proportion who have taken part in the information, I can only wonder if politicians have failed to reach out with a general public education about the agenda?

During one of all seminars addressing Agenda 2030, an expert panel agrees that the agenda emphasizes the importance of tackling global problems at many different levels. It means that several sectors can gather around a clear direction forward. The goals are considered both measurable and realistic.

I encounter a different opinion during my conversations in Almedalen. People I meet point out that Sweden is facing such major problems that there is no room for global issues. One woman says that she always reads the newspaper and watches the news, but still does not recognize the terms "Agenda 2030" or "the Global Goals". She asks where she can read about them. I think it must be about information bubbles, because news I take part in more than often mentions the global goals.

The question is whether parties would anchor their policies more clearly in the agenda if popular involvement were greater. The Moderates have already stated that they are not bound by the action plan for Agenda 2030. I therefore dare not believe that the agenda can serve as a guarantee for what we have already achieved or to demand responsibility. In times of alarmism and fear for the future, I believe that the global goals can work for future faith to grow.

At the same time, it is not the goals themselves that are important, but the content of the agenda being realized. Like the panel, I believe that the agenda points to the fact that we all have a responsibility if these problems are to be solved. This may mean that we Swedes must reduce our consumption and assist those who have the most difficulty both in Sweden and in other countries. There is thus a potential in the agenda to reduce the political division of the international and national. The goals themselves are relevant to all of us as long as the problems exist.

This is a chronicle. The author is responsible for analysis and opinions in the text.

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