Date and time: June 8, 11:00 - 12:00
FUF continues its work to dive deep into development issues and we now want to invite you to a digital morning talk about the UN's role in dealing with Covid-19 and the aftermath! The UN, as a global coordinating body, is, like everything else, under strong pressure, but is also seen by many as part of the hope for the future. How should the UN get - and take - a role in this work and how can […]
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May 28, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 19 May, 10:00 - 11:00
How are people affected in different parts of the world, both physically and mentally during an epidemic. During a conversation with Katrin Kisswani, from Doctors Without Borders and Sofie Dahlman, from Psychologists without Borders, we will try to look at the whole person and look at the impact of the Corona crisis today and what the future may look like. Katrin Kasswani who is […]
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May 13, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: May 14, 18:00
We would like to invite you to our very first digital lecture that will be held on the 14th of May, between 18.00 - 19.00 via Zoom. In this lecture, Jesper Bjarnesen, an anthropologist and senior researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute, joins us as the guest lecturer. His work mainly focuses on migration and […]
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May 11, 2020, English, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: May 20, 09:00
In times of conflict and in times of peace, in conflict-affected areas and in peaceful areas, young people are driving in creating and maintaining lasting peace. Every day, young people struggle to create better and more inclusive societies for themselves and for others. We want to highlight and celebrate this! That is why LPI, LSU […]
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May 11, 2020, English, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 15 May, 09:00 - 10:00
Agenda 2030 does not only concern low- and middle-income countries. Sweden has also promised that we will achieve the global goals for sustainable development also at home. With only 10 years left until the goals are reached, FUF now wants to shed light on what Sweden is doing here at home. Therefore, we welcome you to a digital breakfast seminar, directly from your own sofa, where […]
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May 7, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Conversation between Lennart Wohlgemuth from FUF's board and Viktor Adetula about Covid-19 and Africa.
Date and time: 7 May, 09:00 - 10:00
We are in the middle of a crisis worse than anyone like it for a very long time. It is therefore not surprising that all our interest is focused on ourselves, our immediate environment and what the pandemic means for our present and future. But the crisis also shows that we live in a globalized world, where pandemics do not […]
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April 29, 2020, English, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 29 Sep, 17:30 - 18:30
Burkina Faso in West Africa has recently been oscillating between hope and despair. After having been a stable but authoritarian country for a long time, great hopes were raised a few years ago. Mass demonstrations and protests in the capital Ouagadougou and elsewhere in the country forced President Blaise Compaoré out of power and out of the country. […]
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March 4, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 17 Apr, 09:00 - 10:30
Attend a breakfast live broadcast, from your own sofa, where FUF interviews and talks with Per Olsson Fridh, State Secretary to the Minister for Development Aid with responsibility for the government's international work on Agenda 2030. To the live broadcast »(no pre-registration required) 10 years left until all hunger in the world should be abolished, until everyone should have good education, good health, […]
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March 2, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 22 Oct, 17:30 - 18:00
After advancing the meeting, it will finally be time to invite you to meet Helena Samsioe, also known as the drone queen, digitally, when she receives the annual FUF award 2019. Helena will also talk about her journey to create a better world with the help of drones, where we get to follow everything from southern Africa […]
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February 26, 2020, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast
Date and time: 14 Jan, 18:00 - 19:30
To eradicate extreme poverty, to reduce inequalities in the world, to resolve the climate crisis and to promote peace and justice. This is what the countries of the world through Agenda 2030 have undertaken to accomplish within the next ten years. The seminar will primarily highlight the connection between two of the Global Goals - Goal 8: Decent working conditions and economic […]
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December 19, 2019, Sessions Dates, Calendar, Webcast