Every conference on climate change creates a great deal of expectation and disappointment. But why do conferences on climate change fail? Daniel HB Gamez, master's student in International Relations at Linköping University, reflects on the subject in a guest analysis. Photo: UNclimatechange. Source: Flickr.
Of: Daniel HB Gamez
Despite the efforts by many to raise awareness on clime changer, for example by multilateral conferences, the fate of reducing global warming depends on the economic and political distribution of power on a global scale.
October 17, 2022, English, Guest analysis, Magazine, Opinion
Human Rights Defenders and ESMAD police in Medellín. Colombian national protests have been going on since April. Photo: Humano Salvaje, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Of: Maria Alejandra Moreno Jaramillo
In April the biggest protests in the modern history of Colombia took place. Since then there have been over 3000 cases of police brutality and 43 victims of homicides committed by the police. People protest against a whole system that does not protect life but privatizes and sectorizes it. Finding peace is something that can not wait any longer. Action needs to be taken now, argues María Alejandra Moreno Jaramillo, project leader for Multicultural Sweden.
May 28, 2021, English, Magazine, Opinion
Protesters are calling for justice in the 2021 demonstrations against the military junta. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Of: Markus Barnevik Olsson
A military coup has thrown Myanmar into a battlefield with women at the vanguard. Undeterred by soldiers slaughtering protesters in the streets of Yangon, the struggle for democracy continues.
April 16, 2021, English, Magazine, Opinion
The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by 193 countries in 2015, but are not on track to be achieved by the 2030 target. (Photo: United Nations Photo / Flickr.)
Of: Clara Bengtsson and True Honkaniemi
The world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accomplish the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. The 17 goals claiming to be transformational are contradictory and insufficient. Poverty has not decreased, inequality is deepening and emissions keep rising. If the SDGs wish to be more than business as usual, structural change is needed.
December 18, 2020, English, Magazine, Opinion
Should the access to water be privatized or should it be free for everyone? Photo: United Nations Photo / Flickr.
Of: Kathrin Hegger
The supply of water, our most essential natural resource, will face shortages in the coming decades. Water was declared a human right by the UN in 2010. Therefore its accessibility should be ensured. In which way this will be done remains disputed.
June 17, 2019, English, Magazine, Opinion
Factory worker making clothes. Photo: Fancycrave, Unsplash.
Of: Vittorio Capici and Woo Seong Kim
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the most ambitious transnational development projects ever implemented. However, many EU analysts and policymakers fear the changes that BRI will bring to the European labor markets. This article will bring you to Prato, a key center for the Italian textile industry, where the Chinese immigrant workers have been hired under inhumane conditions for 40 years and where the Chinese government decided to invest once again.
April 10, 2019, English, Magazine, Opinion
50 women were killed last year in the global war on women. Photo: JWT / UN Women.
Of: Fredrika Sweno
Women killed by intimate partners or family members account for 58 percent of all female homicide victims reported globally last year. We need to recognize that a lot of homicides should be regarded as casualties in the war against women.
December 10, 2018, English, Magazine, Opinion
Of: Kajsa Fernström Nåtby
At this year's UN climate conference COP23, the host country Fiji tried a new concept called The Open Dialogue which allowed civil society and states to meet. With that being categorized as new concept, it is safe to say that there is room for improvement when it comes to the inclusion of civil society in […]
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February 27, 2018, English, FUF Lund, Magazine, Opinion