58 year old seller Betty Mukarame is one of many women taking part in the organization Access to Finance Rwanda's (AFR) initiatives. Photo: FinScope 2016.
Of: Hibo Yusuf Ahmed
The concept of an inclusive economy has proved to make significant change in Rwanda, lifting millions out of poverty, according to the UN. The organization Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR), which is partly funded by the Swedish government, identifies market gaps and design interventions to close those gaps - making the market accessible to the most vulnerable in society. - Poor people stay poor because they are excluded from different markets, says Jean Bosco Iyacu, CEO of AFR.
December 30, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine
Mayans in Guatemala continue to deal with discrimination 24 years after a violent civil war.
Photo: Flickr, by Daniel Mennerich
Of: Alice Antoniou
Guatemala continues to face challenges remaining from the Guatemalan Civil War, including high levels of poverty and inequality. Anne Kraemer, Executive Director of Wuqu 'Kawoq, shares how this manifests in the Mayan people's difficulties in accessing adequate healthcare services.
June 22, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine
The northernwestern Esmeraldas Province, a highly marginalized and invisibilized region, is home to the Chachi, Awá, and Épera Indigenous peoples, traditional Afro-descendant communities, and Mestizo people. Photo: Julianne Hazlewood
Of: Eleonora Moen and Leni Lindemann
Palm oil companies are detrimentally impacting rural livelihoods and biodiversity in northwestern Ecuador by extracting resources and polluting ancestral lands and rivers. Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and health hazards posed by these companies. As an act of resistance, the communities, supported by the organization Roots & Routes IC, have filed the world's first constitutionally-based Rights of Nature Lawsuit to demand justice.
May 3, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine
Day farmers outside Trichy, Photo: Klara Bengtsson.
Of: Clara Bengtsson
FUF Lund Magazine has interviewed Birgitta Göransson Liste, the chairperson of the Swallows India Bangladesh to hear about work, civil society and the role of rural- and community development. The organization has been working with rural development in India and Bangladesh for the last 60 years. One area of focus has been small-scale organic agriculture.
April 29, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine
Energy infrastructure in rural areas is a threat to indigenous livelihoods Photo: Jason Blackeye / Unsplash
Of: Alice Castensson and Julia Mühlhauser
The effects of climate change threaten humans all over the world. Nevertheless, indigenous people - who contributed the least - are doubly affected. As countries are increasingly implementing adaptation strategies, renewable energy is often raised as the solution - with large projects being constructed in rural areas. This however overlooks the interests of indigenous peoples living in these areas.
April 29, 2021, English, Interview, Magazine