Development and Emergencies: Finding Resilient Paths Toward Development

Many of the people living in fragile or vulnerable states are at risk of man-made and natural crises, which can derail efforts made to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. Photo: Eddie Wong / Flickr.

Of: Aarne Hakomäki and QUESTIONS & INQUIRIES

As the world is still struggling to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, complex man-made and natural crises are evolving and causing major setbacks in the living standards and safety of countless people globally. While the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give a promise of leaving no one behind, a study by the International Rescue Committee […]

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December 20, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

Post-Conflict Development's Crucial Role in State Reconstruction

82 million people are currently fleeing war and conflict. Photo: UN Photo / Shareef Sarhan.

Of: Claire Coviaux and Maria Malmsten

Only a few weeks ago, an eleven day conflict between Israel and Palestine united multiple world leaders and organizations to find a peaceful solution. Efforts to maintain international peace as well as to end war have contributed to creating multinational organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union. However, in many cases the […]

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June 23, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

Rural Development: The key to tackling local hunger and poverty?

The lack of knowledge to respect nature and discrimination against minorities have created great hunger and poverty challenges. Photo: Samuel Vigier, Flickr

Of: Claire Coviaux and Maria Malmsten

Rural development is the process of life quality improvement and economic growth of rural populations in developing countries. It reduces local poverty and hunger by addressing many multi-sectoral needs including education, health, agriculture, and natural resources. The concept first appeared in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 - Chapter 14. Its major influence in the international […]

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May 3, 2021, Editorial, English, Magazine

The SDGs: Between hope and disillusionment, what has to be done?

There are several obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Progress is being made, but not yet in the speed and scale needed. The question is if the challenges will be overcome in time. (Photo: United Nations Ukraine / Flickr)

Of: Claire Coviaux and Josephine Nilsson

The United Nations introduced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 intending to address the most urgent human challenges until 2030. The main mantra of the SDGs, ensuring no one is left behind, demonstrates the direction towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. This year marks five years of the 2030 Agenda and the […]

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December 16, 2020, Editorial, English, Leader, Magazine

When Soda Replaces Water

While soft-drink producers are making their sodas cheaper than ever, San Cristóbal in Mexico is running out of water. Photo: Pixabay.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

In the mountains of southern Mexico lies the city of San Cristóbal with around 170,000 inhabitants. Located in one of the rainiest regions in the country, you might be surprised to learn that many neighborhoods in San Cristóbal only has running water two days a week. Luckily for the people, however, there's a local bottling […]

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June 17, 2019, Editorial, English, Magazine

A Brief History of Slavery

Some 150 years after President Lincoln “freed” the American slaves, it is estimated that over 30 million people still live in slavery. Photo: Shealah Craighead / The White House.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

Thursday, January 1st 1863 was a bright and crispy day in Washington DC The sky was clear and the wind biting and dry, making the great magnolia trees sway back and forth on the White House south lawn. That morning, Abraham Lincoln got out of bed exceptionally early. He had so much to do, but […]

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April 10, 2019, Editorial, English, Magazine

The Future is Already Here

Adjusting technology to benefit development is tricky - but India might be heading straight into the future. Photo: Pexels.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

When the 1.3 billion people of India woke up on the morning of November 9th, 2016, many of them had become poor overnight. After Prime Minister Modi's sudden decision to ban a staggering 86% of all cash in circulation, the 500 & 1.000 rupee notes had become nothing more than “worthless pieces of paper” and […]

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March 6, 2019, Editorial, English, Magazine

Why Gender Matters

Gender inequalities affect all branches of all societies and must be taken into account for development to work. Photo: UN Women / Flickr.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

It was not very surprising when the video of Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a Polish member of the European Parliament, went viral in early 2017. On the floor of the EU parliament, the Polish right-wing extremist stood up and proclaimed that; "Women must earn less than men because they are weaker, smaller and less intelligent!". Responding to […]

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December 10, 2018, Editorial, English, Magazine

Who defines Native and Indigenous Populations?

Indigenous and native groups have become minorities in areas they've historically controlled. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank, Flickr.

Of: Fredrik Björksten

A couple of centuries ago, there was really no need to talk about either indigenous or native populations. People were then, by definition, all natives to where they were born and lived. However, as colonialism started to spread across the globe, people with roots dating back centuries was being pushed away for the sake of […]

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October 26, 2018, Editorial, English, Magazine