FUF explains: Femicide – gender-based murders

An anti-femicide demonstration in South Africa's capital Cape Town in 2019 following the violent murder of 19-year-old student Uyinene Mrwetyana. Image: Discott/Wikimedia Commons

Of: Elianne Kjellman

After Ugandan marathon runner and Olympic participant Rebecca Cheptegei was murdered by her boyfriend in September, the debate about femicide has come into focus. FUF explains what the concept of femicide means, its global spread, and how women's rights organizations fight it. 

November 25, 2024, Development magazine explains

Opportunities and risks with the EU's new migration pact

New migration cooperation in the EU has long been high on the agenda, not least since the so-called refugee crisis in 2015. The development magazine explains what the EU's new migration pact is about - and the voices for and against it. Photo (left): Håkan Dahlström. Source: Wikimedia commons. Photo (right): Mstyslav Chernov. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Adam hansen

I April voted EU finally through one ny migration pact. While the wide middle in the European Parliament believes that the pact constitutes an important compromise and creates solidarity, both human rights organizations and voices critical of immigrants have criticized the agreement. The development magazine sort out the arguments for and emot the pact. 

June 5, 2024, Development magazine explains

The EU's humanitarian aid – this is at stake in the EU elections 

During the last 30 years, humanitarian aid has become an important part of the EU's work. But the upcoming parliamentary elections may change the direction of the EU as a humanitarian aid actor. Photo: EU/Louiza Ammi. Source: Flickr. 

Of: Adam hansen

With an increased global need for humanitarian aid, the EU's role as an aid actor has become more important than ever. But which part of the EU is responsible for humanitarian aid? Which principles govern? And how can it forthcoming will the parliamentary elections affect the EU's aid? The development magazine unravels the answersn on these questions.  

June 4, 2024, Development magazine explains

Site manager detained on suspicion of bribery and fraud: This has happened

A manager at Sida has been detained after suspected fraud and bribery. The crimes must have taken place between 2021 and 2023 and involve millions of kroner in aid money, according to the prosecutor. Photo: Holger Ellgaard. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Of: Benjamin Frisk

Sweden benforcement authority Sida has have been i medially focus under them latest the weeks of grind av ett suspected case av corruption. The fall pipe en Side employee private that has detained suspected for, among other things roughly bribery and roughly fraud. The development magazine explains what has happened in the court case. 

May 21, 2024, Development magazine explains

The conflict between Iran and Israel: This has happened

The development magazine explains what has happened in the conflict between Israel and Iran. Pictured (left): Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo: World Economic Forum. Source: Flickr. Pictured (right): Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme political leader. Photo: Khaminei.ir. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Rania Yassin

Iran and Israel have long used other actors to challenge each other. On April 1, the conflict between the countries escalated when Israel attacked Iran's consulate in Syria, which prompted en Iranian attack on Israel and later an Israeli response. The development magazine finds out what has happened in the escalating conflict between the two countries.  

April 22, 2024, Development magazine explains

International court decision against Israel: "Has been ignored"

Several actors believe that Israel is not complying with the International Court of Justice's order to protect the Palestinian population. At the same time, the court relies on the willingness of states to comply with the decisions. Photo: Saleh Najm and Anas Sharif. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Rania Yassin

Earlier this year accused South Africa Israel for genocide in the UN's highest court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The court has decided that Israel must do everything in its power to protect the Palestinian population. Men The ICJ relies on states' willingness to comply with decisions, and many civil society organizations believe that Israel has not lived up to this.  

March 18, 2024, Development magazine explains

The fight for the white gold in South America: "Will fight for the resources"

The world's largest lithium reserves are found in the so-called lithium triangle in South America. China's influence over the continent is increasing – among other things, by the country investing in the extraction of minerals. Pictured: Lithium mine in Jujuy province, Argentina. Photo: Earthworks. Source: Flickr.

Of: Daniel Diaz

In step with the green transition and the increased production of electric cars, the world is hungry for the "white gold" - lithium. Latin America could become a geopolitical projection surface as economic superpowers fight over access to lithium, and this could have consequences for both the environment and people.

January 29, 2024, Development magazine explains

The OECD's proposal for a global tax to reduce inequality is met with criticism

Global minimum tax of 15 percent and that companies must pay tax to a greater extent where their goods are consumed. It is proposed by the OECD to equalize economic inequality in the world. But several steps remain before the proposal can become a reality. Photo: OECD. Source: Flickr.

Of: Elin Prestgaard

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed suggestions new, global tax rules with the aim of reducing tax planning and equalizing global gaps in the world. The proposal has been criticized both for being too far-reaching and a paper product that will not have sufficient effect. In October the government submitted a bill to the Riksdag on the proposal, which is proposed to be implemented in Swedish law the material moisture meter shows you the January 1, 2024.  

December 22, 2023, Development magazine explains

Poland after the election: The citizens' coalition's turbulent struggle for democracy

Poland is facing a change of government - but the road there is not entirely easy. Pictured: The leaders from the Citizens' Coalition are presented by Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister and President of the European Council (second person from the right). Photo: Club Lewisy. Source: Flickr.

Of: Edwin Borg

In October, the people of Poland voted for the Citizens' Coalition as the winning party. Now the parties, under the leadership of Donald Tusk, aim to end a dark chapter of gradual erosion of the country's democracy. But even if the majority is secured, a complex road ahead awaits with political uncertainty and a struggle for government power against the ruling Law and Justice party.

December 4, 2023, Development magazine explains

Therefore, several actors are calling for a boycott of COP28

Several actors within the environmental movement are calling for a boycott of the climate conference COP28, which this year is being held in the United Arab Emirates. Photo: Alisdare Hickson. Source: Flickr.

Of: Benjamin Frisk

FN:s climate conference COP28 held this year in Dubai i United athe rab emirate. This has drawn criticism from both activists and climateorganizations, and a campaign to boycott the conference has spread worldwide. The development magazine analyzes the arguments for and against a boycott of COP28.  

November 28, 2023, Development magazine explains