Vienna shows the way forward in the global housing shortage

Many countries and cities in the world have problems with housing shortages - despite the fact that all people must have access to affordable and safe housing by 2030 at the latest, according to the global goals. Photo: Agnes Fältman.

Of: Agnes Fältman

According to Agenda 2030, all people must have access to affordable and safe housing by 2030 at the latest, something that cities around the world are fighting hard to achieve. Vienna has long been considered one of the cities in the world with the highest standard of living. This is partly due to the city's unique system of low-cost municipal tenancies, which today house more than half of the residents. How has Vienna managed to do what so many other cities around the world have not? 

November 9, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

Romania's resources are running out for Ukrainian refugees

Changes in the financial support for Ukrainian refugees in Romania have meant that some of them have had to move from their own accommodation to refugee centres. At a center in Bucharest, two to four people live in each one-room apartment. Photo: Daniel Díaz.

Of: Daniel Diaz

Many Ukrainians who have fled Russia's war of invasion and come to Romania have found themselves in a vulnerable economic situation. The Romanian government has changed the financial support package for the refugees and the country's largest refugee center, Romexpo, is receiving fewer and fewer donations. - I have sold things to afford to live, says Tanya, who fled the Ukrainian city of Odessa in the spring of 2022.

September 20, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

Fast fashion: "Manufacturers should raise the price of clothes"

Fast fashion is often associated with large amounts of waste and negative impact on the environment. But there are several ideas for how the textile industry could become more sustainable. Photo: Bicanski. Source: Pixnio.

Of: Cecilia Bergh and Felizia Livskog

Fast fashion contributes to climate change, pollution and unfair working conditions for those who produce the clothes. Despite that, many people collect new clothes at a furious pace, while the old ones are not too rarely dumped in landfills in Africa or Asia. But with the EU's recently voted textile strategy, this is to change - and fashion companies take more responsibility for clothing production.

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Girls and women are hit hardest by humanitarian crises

The violence in the Central African Republic has caused large flows of refugees to Cameroon, among others. UN Women has worked to support the women affected by the crisis with financial and social assistance. Pictured: UN Women and their partner organizations' staff during a meeting for women in a refugee camp in Cameroon. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown. Source: Flickr.  

Of: Axel Selin

This year, more people than ever are affected by humanitarian crises. Women and girls are the ones most affected. With it, there are ways to support women and girls affected by crisis - for example through education and protection at the beginning of a crisis. 

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Split opinions on conditional aid

According to the Tidö Agreement, which was concluded between the government and the Sweden Democrats in October 2022, Swedish aid must be a tool to counter irregular migration. Pictured: Tidö Castle and Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Aplstedt/News Øresund. Source: Wikimedia municipality.

Of: Karin Myrdal

Dropped one percent target, withdrawn research funds for development studies and synergies between trade and aid. That's how it has sounded so far this year when the Tidö parties' reform agenda for Swedish aid policy has started to take shape. Critical voices have been raised both from civil society and from the political oppthe osition – not least that reaction to the proposal to use aid as a means of pressure to increase return migration from Sweden. 

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Trade and aid: "Returns don't always come in the form of money"

"Trade and aid are two sides of the same coin," says Aid and Foreign Trade Minister Johan Forssell (M) (right in picture). However, the Africa groups' secretary general Louise Lindfors (on the left in the picture) is worried that aid will become a subgroup of trade issues. Photo: FUF.

Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine

Earlier this year, the government presented the changes to be made in aid policy - and a central part is to work more closely with trade and aid. This focus has väckt strong reactions, not least within civil societyället. - Man cannot believe that there will be a market economy model that seamlessly går to apply to development cooperation, sägst Louise Lindfors, general secretary at Athe free food groups.

July 12, 2023, Reportage

The EU agrees on a migration pact - under the Swedish presidency

Around 180 people sought to cross the sea to Europe in 000, according to the EU. The EU countries have now agreed on a common migration and asylum pact. Photo: islamicreliefusa. Source: Flickr.

Of: Nora Nattorp

In mid-June, one of the worst migration-related accidents ever occurred in Europe when a boat carrying hundreds of refugees sank in the Mediterranean Sea. About two weeks before the incident, negotiations on a new migration and asylum pact within the EU were completed. This pact has been one of the focus areas during Sweden's presidency of the EU Council of Ministers in 2023.

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Tightened climate policy in the EU puts pressure on Sweden's climate work

The EU is tightening its climate policy and reducing the scope for member states' emissions. At the same time, there are divided opinions about the effects of the Swedish government's climate work. Photo (left): Sara Kurfeß. Source: Unsplash. Photo (right): Maxim Tolchinskiy. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Charlee Salmelin

The EU's tightening climate policy demands that Sweden's climate policy direction be designed so that we reduce our emissions. The government has prioritized climate compensation to achieve the climate goals. But there are divided opinions on whether both the EU's and the government's policies actually lead to better climate effects.

July 12, 2023, Reportage

Carnival in Brazil raises questions about democracy and racism

Several events during the Brazilian Carnival touch on issues of democracy and racism. Ilú Obá De Min is a group of Afro-Brazilian women in São Paulo who, through their drum parade, want to maintain and spread Afro-Brazilian culture in a country where black people are often discriminated against. Photo: Carmel Kotzen and Vilma Ellemark.

Of: Vilma Ellemark

Carnival in Brazil is not just a place for partying and pickpocketing – as many associate it with. In samba parades and street parties, various social problems are raised in creative ways. - It's not just a street party. It is a force for self-expression and resistance, expresses the Afro-Brazilian organization Ilú Obá De Min in connection with its drum parade.

July 11, 2023, Reportage

More and more countries are building border walls - not stopping migrants

France is one of the countries that has built a border wall to prevent irregular migration and fight terrorism. Pictured: Demonstration against border controls in Calais. Photo: police62. Source: Wikimedia commons.

Of: Vendela Permat's Hammarbäck

Several countries are tightening their border controls and building border walls to reduce the influx of refugees and migrants. France is one of the countries that has built a border wall for this reason. At the same time, a study shows that border walls do not stop migration. 

July 11, 2023, FUF-correspondents, Reportage

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