Higher education is crucial to achieving global goals

Scholarships for higher education create positive spillover effects in the form of increased prosperity and reduced poverty, the debater writes.

Of: Malin Cronqvist

Covid-19 has paralyzed the world and healthcare professionals in all countries are tearing the trail of infection. At the same time, the WHO reports that there is a shortage of 5,9 million nurses, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. The difference in access to higher education is becoming clearer than ever, writes Malin Cronqvist at the Help to Help foundation.

May 26, 2020, Debate

Use the power of action from the corona pandemic to the climate threat

The young people in WWF Sweden Youth

The debaters in WWF Sweden Youth think that we should act forcefully for nature and the climate. Photo: Bernhardina Hörnstein

Of: Amin Ben, Anne Marge Andersson, Elin Linderborg, Ismail Abdullahi, Jennifer J. Daun, Promise Eveborn, Luca Berardi, Matthias Finndin, Mohamed Guled, Perav Ramadan, Rojda Temur and Sara Tingstrom

Covid-19 has put us in a global crisis where everyone has had to act quickly and forcefully. The changes show what we can achieve when individuals, companies and authorities work together in difficult times. The same action must be used to save our planet, write 13 activists in WWF Sweden Youth.

May 20, 2020, Debate

Clean water is a key goal in Agenda 2030

Women wash clothes in a river.

The earth's water resources must be managed both long-term sustainably and fairly, writes Viktor Sundman. Photo: Andrés Gómez / Pixabay

Of: Viktor Sundman

Water is essential for stopping hunger, maintaining good health and producing electricity and goods. But in 30 years, five billion people are expected to live in water shortages at least one month a year. How we handle water will be decisive for whether we will achieve the global goals in Agenda 2030, writes Viktor Sundman at the water institute SIWI.

April 29, 2020, Debate

Do not let the corona knock out democracy!

In several countries, the police and military brutally beat down people who violate the curfew. Photo: Gerd Altmann / Pixabay

Of: Anna Stenwinkel

Increased police violence, censorship and attacks on the opposition. These are some of the effects of more and more authoritarian regimes around the world using the corona crisis to gain more power. The aid organization Forum Syd is now calling on the government to use the democracy initiative to protect democracy and human rights from the coronavirus.

April 27, 2020, Debate

Panic can cost more than the pandemic

Person wears protective clothing and toilet paper

When panic strikes a society, it is rational for the individual to protect his loved ones. But it can prove to be counterproductive, the debaters write.

Of: Anna of Owl Glass, Johan Stellansson and Olof Sandkull

When the media reports deaths as a sports result, it is easy to lose your temper and panic. But perhaps panic is more dangerous than the pandemic itself. The measures to stop the infection will lead to increased hunger, water shortages and more violence around the world, write three debaters.

April 20, 2020, Debate

Sweden should recognize Western Sahara

It occupied Western Sahara

Large parts of Western Sahara are occupied by Morocco. Jan Strömdahl thinks that Sweden should recognize Western Sahara as a country. Photo: YoTuT (CC BY 2.0 License) and private

Of: Jan Strömdahl

Despite the fact that Western Sahara is occupied in a similar way to Palestine, few in Sweden are aware of the situation there. Sweden should now recognize Western Sahara as a country, strengthen aid and boycott products from the occupied territory. It writes Jan Strömdahl from the Swedish Western Sahara Committee.

April 8, 2020, Debate

Let us create a decade of solidarity

Nick Doggen

Nick Doggen is the international secretary of Green Youth.

Of: Nick Doggen

Within ten years, we will eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and injustices, promote peace and justice, and resolve the climate crisis. Achieving the global goals and Agenda 2030 is a huge challenge. We in Green Youth have always fought for a greener and fairer world. But in order to achieve the global goals, everyone must be involved - and those who have the most resources must shoulder the greatest responsibility.

March 27, 2020, Debate

Use trade to pressure the regime in Cambodia

Clothing store in Cambodia

Cambodia is a major exporter of textile products and H&M is one of the largest buyers.

Of: Åsa Eriksson

In recent years, Cambodia has gone against a dictatorship. Independent media have been shut down, the opposition party has been banned and critics of the regime have been imprisoned. At the same time, we import clothes and other goods cheaply from the country. It is good that the EU is now changing its favorable trade agreement with Cambodia, writes the Social Democrats' trade policy spokesperson Åsa Eriksson.

March 23, 2020, Debate

Hunger should be combated with more productive agriculture in Africa

Agriculture and Inge Gerremo

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa must be able to saturate a rapidly growing population, writes Inge Gerrremo.

Of: Inge Gerremo

The fact that hunger is brought up for discussion is very welcome. But with the huge population increase Africa is facing, African agriculture will need to increase its productivity. Something that in turn requires significant structural changes in the coming decades, writes Inge Gerremo who has worked for many years with global food supply.

March 13, 2020, Debate