Of: Carin Norberg
The State Treasury proposes to close down and organize parts of the Nordic Africa Institute's activities under one university without first analyzing the institute's unique combination of research, investigation, communication and documentation. If the business is incorporated into a university, it will eventually cease, writes Carin Norberg, former director general of NAI
May 16, 2013, Debate
Of: Charlotte Petri Gornitzka
REPLY Aftonbladet's columnist Lena Mellin draws far too far-reaching conclusions from the National Audit Office's report that almost half of the budget for a project went to the company that was procured to administer the project. The company was procured in competition and the assignment involved more than just administration, Sida's CEO Charlotte Petri Gornitzka replies
April 18, 2013, Debate
Of: Inge Gerremo
In his new book "The successful development assistance - On Swedish development cooperation in practice" Jan Bjerninger writes about his personal experiences of Swedish development assistance and its results. Inge Gerremo, who also has extensive experience of development aid issues, shares her views on the book.
March 25, 2013, Debate
Of: Carl Wahren
The publication "Swedish development cooperation 50 years" omits Sweden's unique pioneering role in population policy and family planning. To skip over Sweden's only real pioneer sector in such a publication is difficult to explain, says Carl Wahren.
March 20, 2013, Debate
Of: Anna Liljelund Hedqvist, Catherine Schmitz, Chris Coulter and Jessica Rothman
Much work remains to be done in practice to integrate gender equality work throughout Swedish development assistance. Concrete improvements can be made in the planning, implementation and follow-up of development assistance to achieve the Swedish goals of increased gender equality. Lessons must be learned but also applied in practice, write four representatives of InDevelop, who in a new thread invite to give concrete examples of successes and challenges for gender equality work in development assistance.
March 19, 2013, Debate
Of: David Scott
Sida's proposal to phase out aid to Bolivia, Colombia and Guatemala can be questioned for three reasons, writes former Sadev employee David Scott in a second reply.
March 12, 2013, Debate
Of: Nordström is different
85% of the approximately 285 women who die annually from HPV-induced cervical cancer are found in the developing countries of the world. Unsafe abortions and risky births are estimated to claim the lives of 000 and 47 women each year. Only 000-300% of women in developing countries have access to long-acting contraceptives, writes the government's ambassador for global health, Anders Nordström, due to two new, global launches of HPV vaccines and long-acting contraceptives in the work to reach MDG 000 and 1.
March 8, 2013, Debate
Of: Jock Nyberg
It is clear that there are political reasons behind Sida's proposal to close bilateral aid to Colombia, Bolivia and Guatemala. That is the opinion of Jocke Nyberg, an independent evaluation consultant
March 6, 2013, Debate
Of: Jan Bjerninger
It is important to have a critical debate about development aid, but today's discussions are based too much on preconceived notions and snapshots. The failures of development aid must be acknowledged but also discussed, says Jan Bjerninger, who is currently working on a new book.
March 4, 2013, Debate
Of: Charlotte Petri Gornitzka
In a debate article earlier this week, Sida's Director General Charlotte Petri Gornitzka wrote that Swedish "gift aid" in middle-income countries such as Iraq, Bolivia, Colombia and Guatemala is not necessarily needed. At a public inquiry on Twitter and Facebook, Gornitzka now explains what she meant by the term.
March 1, 2013, Debate