Should water be used for food or energy?

Of: Terje Østigård

Agriculture, which today accounts for about 70% of the world's total water consumption, can be used to produce food or energy. The need for water and food will increase by 70-90% by the year 2050, while global demand for energy is expected to increase by 50%. The equation simply does not go together and the question is whether food or energy should be prioritized in agriculture, writes Terje Østigård at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI)

March 22, 2014, Debate

The XNUMX% target is a problem for state aid

Of: Karin Lange (Wohlin)

The 1965% target is a disbursement target that prevents the implementation of a responsible disbursement policy. Where is the upper limit for how much money Sida can handle? The political parties should start discussing alternatives to the 1995% target and stop the automaticity of the increase in development aid. This is what Karin Lange (Wohlin) writes, who recently compiled her experiences in the publication "Page from the inside - Memories and thoughts about aid XNUMX - XNUMX"

March 6, 2014, Debate

What does security mean in the wake of the Crimean crisis?

Of: Dan Öberg

The traditional security discourse reproduces male and female stereotypes and is based on the notion that the world itself is insecure and needs to be secured. This must be made aware in order for a deeper understanding of the concept of security to gain a foothold in the debate. That is the opinion of Dan Öberg, senior lecturer in military science at the Swedish National Defense College, in a reply.

March 5, 2014, Debate

Sida and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should immediately support Ukraine's democratic forces

Of: Alexander Mazurkin and Henrik G Ehrenberg

Sweden can and should immediately, through Sida and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, support forward-looking parties and organizations that want to create a functioning democratic culture in Ukraine. That is the opinion of Henrik G Ehrenberg and Alexander Mazurkin at the Christian Democratic International Center.

February 26, 2014, Debate

The development aid policy platform is strongly ideologised

Of: Anders Nilsson, Gunilla Åkesson, Jonas Ewald and Kajsa Johansson

The government's development aid policy platform, which is now being consulted, is strongly ideologised and analytically deficient. That is the opinion of Jonas Ewald, Kajsa Johansson, Anders Nilsson and Gunilla Åkesson at Linnaeus University, who recently submitted their consultation response.

February 19, 2014, Debate

Egypt back on square one

Of: Per Björklund

Three years after the fall of Mubarak, violence and oppression in Egypt are worse than in decades. Yet only a small fraction of the brutal repression of the militarized state is noticed. It writes the journalist Per Björklund, who is blacklisted by the Egyptian security service.

February 11, 2014, Debate