New forms of aid are needed to strengthen democracy

Of: Anna Lekvall

Despite the rhetorical support of donor countries for democratic development, direct democracy support accounts for only 2% of the world's total aid. At the same time, the recipient countries 'democratic processes are hindered by the donor countries' optimistic analyzes and detailed demands in other areas. Aid can be better at including citizens and other democratic actors to contribute to change from below. That is the opinion of Anna Lekvall, current with the new book "Development first, democracy later?"

June 5, 2014, Debate

Invest in midwives to save women's lives

Of: Anders Molin, Anna Nordfjell and Ingela Wiklund

Maternal mortality remains a major problem around the world. Approximately 40 million women a year give birth to children without access to trained staff. By scaling up the Swedish model with well-trained midwives who have the main responsibility for childbirth, maternal mortality can be drastically reduced, write Ingela Wiklund and Anna Nordfjell from the Swedish Midwifery Association and Anders Molin from Sida.

June 3, 2014, Debate

Exclusion of young people - a global security policy problem

Of: Joëlle Golmann

Protests are one of the few spaces that young people have to make their voices heard today. In order to achieve long-term peace, conditions need to be created for young people's organization and the dangerous exclusion of young people at all decision-making levels needs to be combated, both in Sweden and Colombia. It writes Joelle Golmann, organizational developer at PeaceWorks, located in Colombia.

May 27, 2014, Debate

Fair trade agreements - important issue for newly elected MEPs

Of: Annica Sohlström and Gabi Björsson

Trade policy is an important issue for the development of poor countries. Despite this, the issue has hardly been debated before the EU election. The agreements with African countries are on the agenda this autumn, the Swedish EU parliamentarians should then ensure that the EU's trade agreements with developing countries promote sustainable and fair development, Gabi Björsson and Annica Sohlström believe.

May 22, 2014, Debate

Smart economy is equal and green

Of: Linnéa Engström

The climate issue and the fight for gender equality are intimately linked. With today's economic thinking, both are seen as a negative cost that hinders growth. Something as basic as clean air, clean water and a non-toxic environment for our children should be considered as basic rules of the game for our market economy. But this is where our current economic system went wrong and now we are here with the result and facing an economic, ecological and social catastrophe. That is the opinion of Linnéa Engström, candidate for the European Parliament for the Green Party.

May 15, 2014, Debate

The government's aid policy platform: Unserious all the way

Of: Petra Flaum

In its change in development aid policy, the government applies frivolous methods that do not befit Swedish democracy. The opposition contributes to legitimizing the government's methods by not pointing out the constitutionally razor-sharp differences between letters and bills, while officials do not dare to comment on the issue. It writes Petra Flaum, policy and development strategist

May 14, 2014, Debate

Elections in India: Sweden must safeguard the human rights of minorities

Of: Eva Christina Nilsson and Yasri Khan

This week marks the end of the general election in India's largest democracy in India. With its 1,2 billion inhabitants, the country is home to people who belong to the major religions of the world. There is a tradition of religious tolerance, but the expected success of the Hindu nationalist party BJP is causing concern among the country's religious minorities. The Swedish government must be vigilant about what a change of government can mean. At the same time as Sweden has ended its bilateral aid to India, problems remain and in the continued contacts, the government must stand up for human rights. It is written by Eva Christina Nilsson and Yasri Khan

May 12, 2014, Debate

The security debate is not part of the development

Of: Lorentz Tovatt

Climate change exacerbates problems of poverty, environmental degradation and political instability, mainly in low-income countries, leading to 'climate war'. This makes them such a serious threat to human security that it should be a matter of course to include them in security policy analyzes. That is the opinion of Lorentz Tovatt, spokesman for Green Youth.

May 7, 2014, Debate