We facilitate review of development assistance

Of: Joachim Beijmo

The reformulated assignment for OmVärlden does not prevent the Sida-funded newspaper from reviewing the development assistance. However, it must primarily be the task of other newsrooms to review the development assistance, as OmVärlden can never be perceived as completely independent as long as Sida owns the brand. It writes Sida's communications manager Joachim Beijmo

December 16, 2014, Debate

Sweden is needed to overcome the deadly tuberculosis

Of: Claes Ånstrand, Gunilla Källenius, Johan Mast, Judith Bruchfeld, Knut Lönnroth and Olle Stendahl

Every year, 9 million people get tuberculosis. During the same period, 1,5 million people die from the disease. Research on new diagnostic methods and drugs is not a priority. Large pharmaceutical companies tend to pull out instead of investing more. Sweden has all the prerequisites to become the strong voice needed to prioritize the fight against tuberculosis. That is the opinion of Judith Bruchfeld, Gunilla Källenius, Knut Lönnroth, Olle Stendahl, Claes Ånstrand and Johan Mast.

November 25, 2014, Debate

Convention on the Rights of the Child 25 years: Time to move from words to action

Of: Anna Hägg-Sjöquist, Carolina Ehrnrooth, Catharina Gehrke, Elizabeth Dahlin and Véronique Lönnerblad

Today marks 25 years since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly. But despite many and great advances, much work still remains - not least in development cooperation. Sweden has every opportunity to take back the leadership jersey in terms of global child rights work - but words are not enough. One of the big challenges is to ensure that the child rights perspective does not fall away from the Post-2015 agenda, write five Swedish children's rights organizations.

November 20, 2014, Debate

Reply: Serious shortcomings in the global handling of Ebola

Of: Björn Ekman

Sida's claim that the Global Fund's and GAVI's efforts would be “well integrated in the recipient countries 'health systems where the starting point is the countries' own needs and priorities” lacks strong support. These and other major donors have built up special systems for HIV / AIDS support, which are separate from the countries' own systems. The donors have not done enough to increase the effectiveness of aid or reduce the burden of aid on the recipient countries, Björn Ekman writes in a reply.

November 4, 2014, Debate

Dealing with global challenges requires greater coherence

Of: Kristina Henschen

The EU's newly appointed 'Foreign Minister' bears a heavy responsibility for developing the EEAS Foreign Service together with the Member States and strengthening the EU as a global player. This requires greater emphasis on EEAS development policy, as well as a review of the role and contribution of EU delegations to this policy. That is the opinion of Kristina Henschen, chairman of CONCORD Sweden.

November 3, 2014, Debate

Reply: Nuanced criticism of health care

Of: Anders Molin

At the same time as the outside world's health investments have made it difficult for the recipient countries to plan and manage their own healthcare, the resources have saved millions of lives. This is what Anders Molin, Sida's expert on health assistance, writes in a reply to Björn Ekman.

October 30, 2014, Debate

The Ebola epidemic is a sign of failed health care

Of: Björn Ekman

The parallel, bureaucratic structures that have emerged in international health assistance mean that the support of the outside world can be directly detrimental to the recipient countries' conditions for development. No more fragmented efforts are needed to deal with the Ebola epidemic, efforts based on knowledge and needs are needed. That is the opinion of Björn Ekman, a researcher at Lund University

October 28, 2014, Debate