The government has announced that a certain part of the aid funds will be used to help the refugees who come to Sweden from Ukraine. But the fact that Sweden is one of the world's largest donors remains. It is written by Kenneth G Forslund, chairman of the Riksdag's Foreign Affairs Committee (S), and Anders Östberg, Member of the Riksdag and head of development policy (S). Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / Nathalie Beser / Swedish Parliament. Source: Wikimedia Commons / Socialdemokraterna / Sveriges riksdag.
Of: Anders Österberg and Kenneth G Forslund
We Social Democrats know that a world with great inequality, hunger and more conflicts is a more insecure world for all. Not least the covid-19 pandemic and Russia's war of aggression have shown this. The world is connected and when it burns in your neighbor's house, it also concerns you, whether it happens in Ukraine, Yemen or Sudan - therefore is development aid policy important and we Social Democrats see it as part of security policy. It is written by Kenneth G Forslund, chairman of the Riksdag's Foreign Affairs Committee (S), and Anders Östberg, Member of the Riksdag and head of development policy (S).
June 30, 2022, Debate
Among other things, the Left Party wants to make the one percent goal a one percent floor that development cooperation must not be less than, and introduce a new climate aid that will be used to counteract the consequences of climate change. It writes the Left Party's aid policy spokesperson Yasmine Posio. Photo: Takver, Left Party. Source: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr.
Of: Yasmine Posio
With an acute climateödlägive and a serious humaniteär situation ivärlden it is not enough to as the government reduce areåthe end through the extensive avräthe knowledge one has now chosen to giveöra. Sweden has all möopportunities to be a sanctuary förmäpeople fleeing war and föpressure and at the same time stå up för and areånd policy värd the name. It writes the Left Party's aid policy spokesperson Yasmine Posio.
June 13, 2022, Debate
An overwhelming majority of the world's poor live in rural areas and subsist on agriculture. Despite this, today only a small part of international aid goes to agricultural development and food production. The Green Party wants to change this, among other things by raising Swedish development assistance to 1,25 percent of GNI. Photo: Binoy Anthony / Green Party. Source: Pexels / Flickr.
Of: Maria Ferm
International aid is under threat. Despite the fact that we live in a time where development assistance is more important than ever, several parties in the Riksdag want to reduce it in various ways. Instead, the Green Party wants to both increase international aid to at least 1% of GNI and stand up for a humane refugee reception. It writes Maria Ferm, foreign policy spokesperson within the Green Party.
June 3, 2022, Debate
The Liberals want Sweden to set aside at least one percent of GNI for development assistance. In addition, the party believes that sometimes the additions require assistance - for example, to Ukraine right now. It writes the Liberals' foreign policy spokesman Joar Forssell. Photo: manhhai. Source: Flickr.
Of: Joar Forssell
For the Liberals, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights are the most important goals of aid. Swedish development assistance money should never go to finance those who oppress or counteract a democratic development. Free people in free societies build prosperity. In all contexts, it must be clear which side Sweden is on, namely those who are free. It writes Joar Forssell, foreign policy spokesman for the Liberals.
June 3, 2022, Debate
For more than seven years, there has been an armed conflict in Yemen and millions of people in the country are in need of humanitarian aid. Today, the fighting is primarily a struggle between the Huthi movement and the country's authorities. Photo: Ibrahim Qasim. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Of: Alva Westlund
While much of the world's attention has been turned to new conflicts and other humanitarian crises, the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen is still a fact and far too serious to be forgotten. It writes Alva Westlund, regional administrator for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Committee of the Red Cross.
May 3, 2022, Debate
Protesters criticizing Israel are not anti-Semites according to the IHRA's definition of anti-Semitism. Photo: Humbleslave / Flickr.
Of: Carl Bradshaw
Anyone who wants to contribute to a lasting peace between Palestine and Israel should support the IHRA's definition of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism also exists in Palestine and among so-called Palestinian friends, and needs to be discussed in order to combat it. Only when criticism of Israel is free from anti-Semitism is it legitimate and effective. It writes Carl Bradshaw, who has stayed with the Ecumenical Companion Program in Jerusalem and in the village of Yanoun on the West Bank.
January 12, 2022, Debate
Every three seconds, a girl is forced to marry and 120 million girls in the world have been subjected to sexual violence at some point. This is what Plan International Sweden writes in a debate article on Utvecklingsmagasinet. Photo: Plan International.
Of: Plan International Sweden
The world is not equal. And for girls, this means that they are discriminated against twice - both because of their age and their gender. Something that has major consequences for how they can live their lives and shape their future, writes Plan International Sweden.
December 10, 2021, Debate
For every woman's safety, rights and well-being, in Sweden and the world, it is important to prevent access to illegal small and light weapons. This is what Karin Olofsson, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Forum for Light Weapons Issues, and Malin Nilsson, Secretary General of the International Women's Union for Peace and Freedom, write in a debate article.
Today, on International Day Against Violence Against Women, we pay attention to the importance of gender equality in achieving lasting peace. Over a billion small and light weapons circulate around the world. The presence of firearms is clearly increasing levels of violence against women - both inside and outside armed conflicts. We demand more measures to prevent the uncontrolled spread of weapons in order to increase women's security and enable women to participate in society. It is written by Malin Nilsson, Secretary General of the International Women's Union for Peace and Freedom, and Karin Olofsson, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Forum for Light Weapons Issues.
November 25, 2021, Debate
In late October, Sudan's prime minister and other leading politicians were placed under house arrest following a military coup. The coup led to widespread protests in the country, which in turn have caused several deaths and hundreds of injured people. Photo: Kada Kole. Source: Flickr.
Of: Robin Vikstrom
What many observers feared eventually came true. Two years into the democratic transition period, the military took matters into its own hands, and now endangers the entire country - and the future of 40 million Sudanese.
November 12, 2021, Debate
Of: Helena Anthony
The XNUMX% target leads to more efficient ways of conducting assistance, such as issuing guarantees, being prioritized because they generate few payments and therefore do not contribute to meeting the target. Sida should instead upgrade the guarantee instrument for effective assistance.
- It is becoming increasingly clear that the one percent goal is a black on the foot for effective development assistance activities, says Helena Antoni, responsible for development aid and development issues within the Moderates.
June 23, 2021, Debate