Week 5: The Winter Olympics spark debate on human rights and China's pandemic

When China hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics, protests were raised against the country's handling of human rights. The fact that the country is now organizing the Winter Olympics has also created reactions. Photo: Kris Krüg. Source: Flickr.

Of: Melanie Alphonse

Last week, the Winter Olympics in China kicked off, something that has sparked debate about the country's handling of human rights. Russia's continued influence on Swedish and European security policy has also been discussed on Swedish debate and leadership pages during the past week.

February 7, 2022, Current debate

Week 3: The threat to Ukraine could overshadow the crisis in Bosnia

The security situation in Europe has continued to be the focus of Swedish debate pages - both regarding the threat to Ukraine and the situation in Bosnia. Photo: dlugo_svk. Source: Pixabay.

Of: Alice Eriksson and Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

Over the past week, the security situation in Europe has continued to be a large part of the Swedish debate. Both the military mobilization on the border with Ukraine and the crisis in Bosnia have attracted attention.

January 24, 2022, Current debate

Week 2: The NATO issue is brought to the forefront with Russia's demands for a sphere of interest

The question of whether Sweden should maintain its security policy line or adopt a so-called NATO option has divided the Swedish debate over the past week. Photo: Canva.

Of: Andreas Klawitter and Beata Sjödahl

The NATO issue has once again become highly topical after the deteriorating security situation in Europe and the Swedish debate has centered on the adoption of a NATO option. The Church Board's investigation of Israel and the crisis in Bosnia has also been the subject of last week's debate.

January 17, 2022, Current debate

Week 1: "The most serious security policy situation in Europe in decades"

Putin does not accept the basics of the European security system. Pål Jonson and Hans Wallmark (M) write this in a debate article on SvD.

Of: Elise Olsson and Ulrika Granlund

Last week's debate was marked by concerns about the security situation in Europe and the threat from Russia. The question of whether Swedish development assistance can be withdrawn for countries that refuse to accept their citizens who are staying illegally in Sweden has also been discussed.

January 10, 2022, Current debate

Week 49: Uncertainty ahead of Libya's presidential election and Amazon criticized for climate change

- That 76 candidates want to become president of Libya after the election on December 24 is more a sign of the country's chaotic division than that there is a nice Christmas present in the package, Gunnar Jonsson writes on DN's leader pages.

Of: Alice Eriksson and Hibo Yusuf Ahmed

The uncertainty surrounding the presidential election in Libya provokes reactions and the military intervention in the country in 2011 is questioned in an editorial in DN. On Aftonbladet's editorial page, Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos is criticized when he donates billions to various climate organizations.

December 13, 2021, Current debate

Week 48: Vaccination distribution and apartheid review provoke reactions

- With a constantly mutating virus, it is important that everyone can take part in the vaccine. But that is not the case today, Zina Al-Dewany writes on Aftonbladet Ledare about the vaccine distribution in the world.

Of: Elin Holm and Julia Lundén Azzeddine

Sweden can do more to give more people access to vaccines, according to Zina Al-Dewany on Aftonbladet's editorial pages. The Church of Sweden's review of international law in Israel-Palestine was also discussed on Swedish debate pages during the past week.

December 6, 2021, Current debate

Week 47: Residence permit for Afghans and criticism of Black Friday

- Black Friday is perhaps the main celebration of overconsumption, write the environmentalists Amanda Palmstierna and Lorentz Tovatt on Aftonbladet Debatt. Photo: Artem Beliaikin. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Sigrid Wernersson and Villemo Warnerfjord

During a week fraught with both a prime ministerial vote and a government crisis, much of the focus on Swedish debate pages has been on domestic policy. Global development issues have been overshadowed, but two themes that have been raised are Afghan residence permits and Black Friday.

November 29, 2021, Current debate

Week 46: Divided views on EU responsibility for the migrant crisis in Belarus

Expressen's editorial board believes that the EU has handled the migrant crisis in Belarus correctly, while the environmentalist and EU parliamentarian Alice Bah Kuhnke believes that the EU has a moral obligation to help the refugees. Photo: Canva.

Of: Ebba Eriksson and Tilda Janbrink

A hot topic in last week's debate was the ongoing migrant crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border. Some debaters emphasize the importance of resisting pressure from the Belarusian dictatorship and preventing a recurrence of the refugee crisis in 2015. At the same time, other voices are raising the EU's moral responsibility towards migrants.

November 22, 2021, Current debate

Week 45: Debator calls world leaders hypocrites after the climate conference

Will the Glasgow climate conference really make a difference? That issue was hotly debated last week. Photo: Markus Spiske. Source: Unsplash.

Of: Sara Lannebo

Last week's debate revolved around the COP26 climate conference, which ended on Saturday. Climate debt, hypocrisy and Sweden's role in climate change were discussed on Swedish debate pages while world leaders were in the final negotiations at the conference.

November 15, 2021, Current debate

Week 44: "Rich countries must contribute more to climate change"

Kiribati is one of the countries in the world that will be hit the earliest and hardest by climate change. Elevated sea levels could lead to Kiribati being completely covered by water in the coming decades. Photo: Eskinder Debebe / Flickr.

Of: Frida Lamberth Wallensteen and Hanne Karlsson

The UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow has begun and the focus of the Swedish debate is on climate justice, global cooperation and young people's participation in the climate issue.

November 8, 2021, Current debate