Several debaters think that Sweden and the EU must support the Kurdish groups in northern Syria. Not least after Turkey's threat of an offensive. Photo: Kurdishstruggle (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Amanda Wibne Romild
This week, US President Trump has decided to withdraw his forces from Syria. At the same time, he gave the go-ahead for Turkish forces to launch an offensive. Something that has aroused a lot of debate on Swedish opinion pages. This is a great betrayal on the part of the United States, say this week's debaters who want the outside world to stand up for the Kurds in northern Syria.
October 9, 2019, Current debate
In connection with the People's Republic of China's 70th anniversary celebrations, several debaters warned about the country's influence in the outside world.
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
The debate on Swedish climate policy has been intense after last week's UN summit, new alarm reports and global climate strikes. But China has also been in focus this week. Several debaters warn that human rights violations are spreading far beyond China's borders.
October 2, 2019, Current debate
This week's climate strikes have been debated extensively on Swedish debate and leadership pages. Photo: Julian Meehan (CC BY 2.0 License)
Of: Kerstin Edquist
Swedish opinion pages have this week turned inside out on the question of how they should relate to climate activist Greta Thunberg and the movement she started. At the same time, the Swedish government is being criticized for its climate policy, which is called both dishonest and "bourgeois insanity". And the opposition - they get criticized for flying to Israel at the same time to go to a celebrity party.
September 25, 2019, Current debate
New Foreign Minister Ann Linde. Photo: World Trade Organization (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Of: Kerstin Edquist
In just over a week, Sweden has received a new foreign minister, a new government declaration and a new budget. This has, of course, caused debate in the Swedish media. Several organizations are hoping for more feminism in foreign policy. The Liberals want to see rapid support for activists in Hong Kong.
September 19, 2019, Current debate
Criticism of Swedish development assistance has been harsh on the opinion pages in the past week. But several have also gone on the defensive.
Of: Erica Fahlström
Revelations about corruption and proposals from the Moderates about a reduced aid budget. This has caused the debate about Swedish aid to be heated in the past week. Criticism about a lack of control is met with arguments that the aid is needed - precisely to fight corruption. "It is simply not the case that countries with lower aid budgets have better aid," writes Anna Tibblin from We Effect in Svenska Dagbladet.
September 11, 2019, Current debate
Swedish opinion pages were dominated by debate about the EU last week. Photo: Jonatan Svensson Glad (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Of: Ravneet Singh
This week's debate has, as expected, been very much about the EU election. For many, it has been raised as a choice of fate - where a stance against right-wing populism is needed. But views on the EU differ.
May 28, 2019, Current debate
The EU election on Sunday was the focus of most opinion polls this week.
Of: Susanne Bartholdsson
Sunday's election to the European Parliament has been the focus of most media's opinion pages this week. Several debaters demand that the EU focus more on climate policy, while others are concerned about the increased influence of right-wing populists in Europe.
May 23, 2019, Current debate
This week, the US Secretary of State said that the melting ice of the Arctic could open up for trade, among other things, where new transport routes can be made possible.
Of: Moa Zeidlitz
The EU election continues to shape the debate. But how much do our politicians really talk about the EU - in relation to how much the EU affects us? At the same time, the trade war between the United States and China is escalating, with continued ignorance on the part of the United States regarding the climate issue. Which in turn leads to a changed security situation in our world.
May 15, 2019, Current debate
Is nuclear power a solution for sustaining growth and reducing emissions? It was discussed this week between M and MP. Pixabay photo
Of: Erica Fahlström
How can the EU lead the global climate and environmental work forward? Over the past week, there has been a discussion on, among other things, growth policy versus sustainability, the relationship of climate change to public health, the loss of biodiversity and freedom of the press - and debaters have particularly emphasized the importance of prioritizing these issues in the EU.
May 8, 2019, Current debate
The former peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi is an actor who drives development in the wrong direction, writes Gunnar Jonsson in DN. Photo: Claude TRUONG-NGOC
Of: Mona Monasar
The EU's free trade program is a way out of poverty for many countries in the global south, but the left and EU protectionism prevent countries from taking part in it, writes Christofer Fjellner, moderate member of the European Parliament. The debate about the UN's nuclear weapons agreement continues on Swedish leadership and debate pages, where the focus of the debate is whether Sweden should sign the agreement or not.
May 2, 2019, Current debate