Children are the most vulnerable group to the effects of climate change. Photo: Bioversity International \ T. Wolday, Flickr
Of: Louise Marklund
Children are the most vulnerable and vulnerable group to the effects of climate change. Violence against children also seems to increase in step with climate change, according to a new report from the Children's Fund.
March 31, 2021, News
Conflicts between ethnic groups and extremist forces are two reasons why people are fleeing their homes. Photo: MONUSCO / Abel Kavanagh
Of: Anna Mattsson
Conflicts and violence have forced millions of people to flee their homes around the world, and more than ever are now fleeing their homelands, according to the latest figures from IDMC, the Internal Refugee Monitoring Center. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region where violence has caused the most internally displaced people.
March 29, 2021, News
In the autumn of 2020, Indian farmers began to protest against agricultural reforms. Photo: Wikimedia Commons CC BY 2.0
Of: Josefine Hörkeby
The founder of Fridays for Future India, Disha Ravi, who was previously arrested on suspicion of conspiracy against the Government of India, has now been released on bail. The 22-year-old activist is one of many Indian environmental activists who are threatened or criminalized.
March 27, 2021, News
International efforts are now needed to stifle the global oxygen crisis. Photo: Id Irwan & Samuel Ramos, Unsplash
Of: Wintana Abraham
With the covid-19 pandemic, the sharply increased demand for oxygen has exceeded supply, especially in many low- and middle-income countries around the world. The situation is now critical for healthcare in these regions and the need for global support measures is urgent.
March 25, 2021, News
Photo: Borana Women, Ethiopia, Rod Waddington.Flickr.
Of: Ghadeer Hussein
Five years ago the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations and since then they have become a roadmap for global development. But are they relevant on the local level? Are they as universal as they claim to be?
December 30, 2020, English, Magazine, News article, News
Illustrating the Importance of Water in the Navajo Nation Photo: Dig Deep
Of: Alice Antoniou and Julia Mühlhauser
Covid-19 has increased awareness of the importance of sanitation globally; however, many face challenges meeting hygiene needs due to difficulties accessing clean water. Native Americans in the United States are particularly hard hit by this issue.
December 19, 2020, English, Magazine, News article, News
The organization Operation 1325 has produced recommendations on how Sweden can contribute to the implementation of the UN resolution on women, peace and security in Turkey. Photo: UN Women Gallery,
Of: Julia Thalin
Turkey's involvement in conflicts has escalated in the past year. At the same time, the political space for women's organization is shrinking and women continue to be excluded from peace processes. Civil society is now raising its voice for compliance with the UN resolution on women, peace and security throughout the country.
December 14, 2020, News
Of: Sanna Lindh
President Trump's administration wants to sell contracts to various companies that could allow companies to drill oil in Alaska's pristine coastal areas. The decision is highly publicized and several environmental organizations and Biden oppose the decision, while oil-friendly companies now see great opportunities.
December 4, 2020, News
Of: Hillevi Axelsson
At the end of November, major protests took place in Guatemala, Central America, against the Conservative government's new budget proposal. Protesters believe that health care, education and the judiciary are getting too few resources and now want to see a change.
December 2, 2020, News
A circular economy means that the linear economic system we have today is replaced by a closed cycle to save the earth's resources. Photo:
Of: Louise Marklund
A transition to a circular economy is necessary to achieve the global sustainability goals according to the government. The corona pandemic has contributed to an increased need for sustainable consumption and now, for the first time, Sweden is developing a strategy for a circular economy to improve the environment.
November 10, 2020, News