New service makes it easier to set requirements for sustainability in public procurement

Easier to set requirements in the procurement of clothing with a new service. Photo: Rab Lawrence, Flickr.

Of: Josephine Hagby

Through public procurement, it is possible to set requirements for sustainable business. But with today's complex supply chain, it is difficult to know when requirements should be set. But now the Procurement Authority has developed a service with the aim of simplifying and clarifying where in the ranks risks are.

May 6, 2021, News

Sweden in unique global cooperation for gender equality

Two global forums are taking place this year to promote gender equality. Photo: Montanasuffragettes, Wikimedia Commons

Of: Jennie Aradszky

One year later than planned, the global gathering Generation Equality Forum took place in Mexico City. For three days, representatives from governments, companies and civil society gathered to develop concrete action plans to achieve gender equality, which will have effects within five years. Sweden has played an active role as a leader of a focus group on economic equality within the forum.

April 21, 2021, News

Boko Haram's banking system is financing deadly terrorist attacks

Boko Haram lends money to local people in exchange for fees and an ownership stake. This is a way to finance the terrorist organization's deadly attacks. Pictured: The result of the Boko Haram bomb attack in the city of Jos in Nigeria, 2014. Photo: Diariocritico de Venezuela. Source: Flickr.

Of: Jill Karlström Thunberg

The terrorist organization Boko Haram works like a bank that invests in smaller villages in Nigeria. This finances the deadly attacks and kidnappings that have plagued the country for almost 12 years. A major underlying cause of the problem is the local population's lack of confidence in the government.

April 16, 2021, News

Workers in Bangladesh are denied the right to strike

Bangladesh does not allow its EPZ workers to exercise their trade union rights. Photo: Solidarity Center (2015), Flickr

Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud

Bangladesh is the most dangerous country to be employed in, according to a report by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). In the report, Bangladesh is the country that most restricts trade union rights. The strikes at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 resulted in 12 people being fired, 350 prosecuted and 522 unidentified workers reported.

April 16, 2021, News

Armed conflict in northern Mozambique

The small port of Pemba in northern Mozambique became too small after large supplies of natural gas were found.
Photo: Ton Rulkens from Mozambique, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Of: Linnea Boström

Violence and a humanitarian crisis are raging in the province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique. Thousands of people are fleeing after the armed Islamist group known locally as al-Shabab burned villages and committed brutal killings.
- To be able to solve the situation, support from other countries is needed, says Diamantino Nhampossa who works for We Effect in Mozambique.

April 15, 2021, News

The women's rights movement in northern Macedonia is fighting for its rights online and offline

Photo: Canva

Of: Fredrika Gilljam Norberg

In 2020, a secret group chat was revealed in northern Macedonia where thousands of people took part in private material on women and girls without their consent. The women's rights movement in northern Macedonia has since fought for its establishment with the help of several organizations in the country.

April 13, 2021, News

Increasing inequality in the wake of the pandemic

Covid-19 risks not only increasing the spread of viruses, but also increasing inequality in the world. Photo: Judith B, Flickr

Of: Josephine Hagby

In January, Oxfam released its report The Inequality Virus, which addresses the trend of increasing global inequality as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, a trend that is hitting those already most hard hit. Without well-targeted measures, the restoration risks taking up to a decade.

April 9, 2021, News

Mutated coronavirus creates challenges for vaccine coordination in southern Africa

The low susceptibility of the South African virus variant to vaccines creates problems in southern Africa. Photo: Global Panorama, flickr

Of: Jonna Erdos

Escalating spread of a mutated, more infectious variant of the coronavirus increases the need for rapid and effective vaccine distribution in southern Africa. This at the same time as uncertainty surrounding the effectiveness of Astra Zeneca's vaccine against the mutated virus version is testing healthcare and coordination projects.

April 1, 2021, News

The EU takes up the fight against Poland's LGBTQ-free zones

In 2020, discrimination against LGBTQ people continued to increase in Poland. Photo: Unsplash

Of: Erica Frank

As in many other parts of the world, right-wing populism and discrimination against LGBTQ people have grown in Poland. For the past two years, the Polish government has declared a third of Poland's cities as LGBTQ - free zones. Reports from 2020 describe how the zones can both be seen as examples of how democratic institutions weakened during the pandemic, but also as part of a longer process of democratic degradation.

April 1, 2021, News