In Sida's survey on Swedes' views on development assistance from December 2021, 51 percent of those surveyed answered that they had heard about the Global Goals. This is an increase of 14 percent since 2018. Photo: Canva.
Of: Linnea Ljungar
Women and highly educated people are more positive about development aid than other groups in Sweden, and more and more people are aware of the UN's 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. This is shown by a new survey from the Swedish development assistance authority Sida.
January 3, 2022, News
The countries' agreements during the COP26 climate conference, in particular that on coal power, have received both positive and negative reactions. Image from the Neurath coal power plant in Grevenbroich, Germany. Photo: Catazul. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Alice Eriksson
On 31 October, the 26th UN Climate Conference COP26 kicked off. According to researchers, the meeting was successful after only a few days, while climate activist Greta Thunberg called the meeting a "greenwash festival". And it was not just climate activists who were disappointed when the countries of the world decided to simply reduce coal power instead of phasing it out completely.
December 7, 2021, News
"Ali Bongo prefers elephants and trees over people," locals commented on Gabon's president. More than half of all the world's remaining forest elephants live in the country's rainforest and for many inhabitants this means ruined harvests. Photo: Antony Trivet. Source: Pixabay.
Of: Beata Fylkner
When Gabon received money from Norway for its rainforest, the country became historic. After world leaders at the UN climate conference in the autumn promised $ 12 billion to combat deforestation, the model has been revived, but there is concern among locals about the socio-economic consequences of the initiative.
December 3, 2021, News
Protest against the Fast fashion industry in Berlin in September 2019. Photo: Stefan Müller. Source:
Of: Melanie Alphonse
Since the early 2000s, the fashion industry has produced so-called "fast fashion" - trendy and short-lived garments that are quickly replaced by new trends, and the fashion industry today accounts for about 10 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. This is the second part of Utvecklingsmagasinet's survey of the back of the clothing industry.
November 24, 2021, News
In January next year, the UN will hold its fifth conference on the world's least developed countries. The conference will be held in Qatar's capital Doha. In preparation for the conference, the UN invited to the LDC forum in Helsinki in October. Photo: herosdem. Source: Canva.
Of: Ebba Eriksson
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has reduced gender equality in the world and the UN Secretary-General has referred to gender-based violence as the "shadow pandemic". At the UN conference LDC Future Forum in Helsinki, researchers state that women must be included in politics and the labor market if we are to achieve more peaceful, fair and inclusive societies.
October 27, 2021, News
Experts believe that an authoritarian regime will continue in Tanzania so that Samia Suluhu Hassan, the country's first female president, can gain respect within her own party ahead of the next election. Photo: AFP / Lehtikuva. Source: Flickr.
Of: Ulrika Granlund
In March this year, Samia Suluhu Hassan took office as President of Tanzania. A hope for democracy where freedom of expression would once again be given space was born, but an authoritarian government seems to be advancing - and the expectations of the population are being shattered.
October 22, 2021, News
Ulf Kristersson speaks during the last day of the digital Almedalen week 2021
Of: Karl Fahlvik
The moderates painted a dark picture of Sweden in Ulf Kristersson's digital Almedal speech. Crime, shootings and segregation were in focus. The moderates' view of Sweden's role in the world and global development issues was completely lacking.
July 8, 2021, News
Party secretary Lena Rådström Baastad will give the Social Democrats' digital Almedal speech in 2021
Of: Nelika Karimi
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is facing Sweden's first prime ministerial vote. The Social Democrats' Almedal speech takes place just a few hours before Sweden's political fate in the coming year is decided. Party secretary Lena Rådström Baastad, who replaces Prime Minister Löfven, focuses mainly on the welfare state, solidarity and the climate, but only from a Swedish perspective.
July 7, 2021, News
Of: Karl Fahlvik
In the Green Party's speech, there was, among other things, a focus on what the Green Party is doing to solve the environmental crisis in Sweden. But despite the need for international cooperation, no connections were made to global cooperation.
July 7, 2021, News
Jimmie Åkesson gives his party leadership speech during the digital Almedalen week 2021
Of: Nelika Karimi
Insecurity in Sweden is our most serious problem, says the Sweden Democrats' party leader Jimmie Åkesson during Almedalen's fourth party leadership speech. This speech also omits global development issues and international cooperation during Almedalen Week 2021.
July 6, 2021, News