Annie Lööf focuses on democracy and human value in her Almedal speech

Annie Lööf is so far the only party leader who has spoken about international cooperation and global democracy issues during Almedalen Week

Of: Isabella Hjorth

On Tuesday morning, Annie Lööf will give her Almedal speech where she will focus on what she calls "liberal democracy". She talks about freedom of expression, human rights and climate change, both in and outside Sweden.

July 6, 2021, News

The unknown violence at the EU borders

Of: Zozan Palonen Uzun

Migrants are subjected to illegal pushbacks in the EU by border police, which is a violation of human rights. The book The Black Book of Pushback highlights how people fleeing EU borders are exposed to systematic violence. The book has documented over 12 cases where people are affected by illegal pushbacks where the majority have been subjected to various types of violence.

June 24, 2021, News

Violence is a consequence of settler colonialism

Flag of Palestine. Photo: Ömer Yildiz, Unsplash

Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud

In recent weeks, a war has broken out between Israel and Palestinian Hamas. Several lives have been claimed and many people have lost their homes. Following pressure from the UN and other countries, the parties agreed on a ceasefire on 21 May. Experts believe that the violence is exacerbated by Israel's so-called settler colonialism.

June 1, 2021, News

Jakarta - A multimillion-dollar city built on swamps

Researchers believe that the estimated time for when the whole of Jakarta will be under water is 2050.
Photo: michaelsyoma, Unsplash

Of: Linnea Ljungar

It is the pumping of groundwater, together with the amount of land covered by concrete, that is one of the biggest factors in the sinking of the Indonesian capital Jakarta. Today, half of the inhabitants lack water in their homes, instead they get running water from groundwater pumps. To remedy the problem, the Indonesian government therefore proposes to move the capital to the Borneo Peninsula.

June 1, 2021, News

Uncertain future for Chad after the president's death

The situation is uncertain in Chad after President Idriss Déby, who ruled the country for 30 years, died after fighting rebel forces.
Photo: Paul Kagame, Flickr

Of: Anna Mattsson

Following the sudden death of President Idriss Déby in April, the Central African country of Chad is in uncertainty. The military council that was appointed shortly afterwards with Déby's son, Mahamat Idriss Déby, at the helm, has created debate and divided opinions both within and outside the country's borders.

June 1, 2021, News

Fewer refugees to Europe during the pandemic - but future refugee crises await

The number of people on the run will increase. There is still no common action plan for the EU.
Photo: jricard, Unsplash

Of: Myra Pernvall

The refugee crisis in 2015 showed the EU's inability to act uniformly. Due to climate change, new refugee flows to Europe and Sweden are now expected. At the same time, Swedish migration policy is being tightened. What will the world look like when the number of refugees increases and the borders become tighter?

May 21, 2021, News

Global climate work is too slow

The countries of the world must do much more to slow down the pace of climate change and achieve the Paris goals. Photo: Mathias PR Reding, Unsplash

Of: Wintana Abraham

The Paris Agreement was the start of a global joint effort to halt climate change and create a sustainable planet. According to the UN's environmental program, however, today's efforts are far from sufficient at the same time as the climate situation is becoming increasingly critical.

May 12, 2021, News