Today's manifestation of light is a way to honor the people who lost their lives in the fight for the environment.
Of: Vsevolod Lukashenok
Today, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation organizes a light manifestation for murdered environmental activists around the world. In a new report, the organization states that threats to environmental defenders have increased in recent years.
December 10, 2019, News
In recent weeks, thousands of people have demonstrated in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, Iraq. Photo: Ali Hilal
Of: Miriam Karim
In recent weeks, thousands of people have taken to the streets and demonstrated in Iraq. The people are protesting against corruption and for peace. Iraqi security forces have met with protesters with gunfire and tear gas.
November 27, 2019, News
The indigenous people of Gambela, Ethiopia are critical of the fact that the company Karuturi Global is about to get the right to use their land. Photo: WitR, Adobe Stock
Of: Mona Yassin
The Indian company Karuturi Global is about to enter into a new lease agreement to use land in the Gambela region of Ethiopia. The company has had a previous lease of land in the region, but it was terminated in 2017 due to problems with forced relocations and deforestation. The locals are critical of the agreement and fear that their land will once again be abused by foreign actors.
November 15, 2019, News
Diabetes is a disease that is caused by having too high levels of glucose, sugar, in the blood. Photo: Jessica A DuVernay
Of: Hanne Nordqvist
November 14 is World Diabetes Day. A new report shows that what was previously a so-called welfare disease is no longer a problem only in high-income countries. Now the number of diabetics is increasing instead, mainly in low-income countries.
November 14, 2019, News
International trade in plastic waste has led developing countries to act as "the world's dump". Photo: Melanie Olsson
Of: Melanie Olsson
Countries such as Japan and the United States sell large quantities of plastic waste to low- and middle-income countries. In Kenya, this has led to livestock getting plastic, blocking sewers and ending up with plastic waste in rivers and seas. A new UN agreement - which classifies plastic as hazardous waste - can now put an end to the export of plastic waste.
November 6, 2019, News
Josefin Pasanen has been acting Chancellor at FUF since August.
Of: The Chancellery
This week, millions of people in over 150 countries are demonstrating for the climate. FUF stands behind the global climate strike and today participates in Stockholm.
- We must listen to science and protect the future of people all over our planet, says FUF's Chancellor Josefin Pasanen.
September 27, 2019, News
Democratic space is shrinking at the global level. The government therefore wants to invest in democracy and increase democracy assistance. Photo: Pixabay
Of: Alice Agneus
Sweden's foreign policy must invest extra in safeguarding democracy. That was the message from the new government that came into place in January this year. But what does this mean for Sweden's aid actors? Sida's Birgitta Weibahr and Diakonia's Magnus Walan talk about their views on the matter.
July 12, 2019, News
FUF's non-profit editorial office on site in Almedalen.
Of: The Chancellery
As usual, FUF was on site with an entire editorial staff in Almedalen. We watched seminars, did video interviews, wrote reports and analyzed party leader numbers. Here you will find everything related to global development in Almedalen.
July 9, 2019, News
Agriculture is being hit hard by climate change. This can lead to many millions of people going hungry. Photo: Meriç Tuna / Unsplash
Of: Sana Pirot
Despite the fact that global poverty in the world has decreased, the UN warns of an increase in world hunger. The reason is that climate change is affecting agriculture, which can produce less food. And there are no ambitions to deal with it, according to several global reports.
July 6, 2019, News
Over the past year, there have been many demonstrations in Sudan. One of them was turned into a massacre when more than 100 protesters were killed. Photo: M Saleh (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Of: Deborah Solomon
The people's revolution in Sudan was taken over by the military this spring and led to a massacre. Activists in the region believe that the EU has provided support to the perpetrators through an aid fund set up to control migration in Europe.
July 4, 2019, News