An emergency plan will help Sweden achieve climate goals

Sweden should act to create the conditions and expand for a coordinated European railway system according to plan. Photo: Pixabay.

Of: Cecilia Corfitsen

An emergency plan to save the climate has been developed by the Climate Change Committee. 150 proposals for adjustment measures in the near future will now help Sweden achieve the government's set goal of becoming the world's first emission-free welfare state.

September 23, 2020, News

Al-Shabaab attacks teachers for stopping education

Several schools in northeastern Kenya have been forced to close following attacks by the al-Shabaab terrorist group.

Of: Yolanda Tibblin

Thousands of teachers in northeastern Kenya were forced to leave their jobs following attacks by the al-Shabaab terrorist group. This threatens students' education. According to terrorism expert Magnus Norell, al-Shabaab opposes non-Islamic teachings.

June 24, 2020, News

New article series on migration

Birds migrating

Of: The Chancellery

Right now it's hard to travel - and even harder to escape and migrate. But even though borders are closed due to the corona pandemic, desperation, risk-taking and migration losses remain. FUF's local group in Lund has made a whole series of articles on migration.

June 1, 2020, News

Abortion may soon become legal in Argentina

Demonstration for abortion in Argentina

Hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated for free abortion around Argentina since 2017. Photo: Lara Va (CC BY-SA)

Of: Rosemary Wolf

In Argentina, women are only allowed to have an abortion when their lives are in danger or when they have been abused. But after massive demonstrations, the Argentine president is expected to present a bill on free abortion. Something that could lead to a turnaround throughout South America.

April 30, 2020, News

Chilean women find it more difficult to mobilize in the corona crisis

Feminist demonstration in Chile

Before the corona crisis, lots of women were out demonstrating for gender equality in Chile. Photo: Carlos Punto Pizarro

Of: Julia Spaton Goppers

One month ago, more than a million Chilean women gathered on the streets of the capital, Santiago. They demonstrated against sexual violence and for economic reforms in the country. But now the coronavirus has increased domestic violence - and the mobilization for gender equality has become more difficult.

April 9, 2020, News

Free menstrual protection will get more girls to go to school

Menstrual protection and education

Having access to menstrual protection is a prerequisite for many girls to go to school when they are menstruating. Photo: Marco verch CC BY 2.0 License and Tamarcus Brown / Unsplash

Of: Nagaad Kadir Abdimaxmud

Scotland may become the first country in the world where menstrual protection is free for all women. Parliament has voted in favor of a law to reduce menstrual poverty and get all girls to go to school - even when they are menstruating.

April 1, 2020, News

Mexican women demand change

Demonstration against the murder of Ingrid Escamilla in Mexico

The murder of Ingrid Escamilla affected many in Mexico. Photo: ProtoplasmaKid

Of: Beatrice Hugosson

Two brutal murders of women in February were the starting shot for the ongoing demonstrations in Mexico. Gender-based murder of women is a growing problem in the country. Activists are now trying to get the president, the media and society to take responsibility.

March 19, 2020, News