The SDGs: Between hope and disillusionment, what has to be done?

There are several obstacles to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Progress is being made, but not yet in the speed and scale needed. The question is if the challenges will be overcome in time. (Photo: United Nations Ukraine / Flickr)

Of: Claire Coviaux and Josephine Nilsson

The United Nations introduced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 intending to address the most urgent human challenges until 2030. The main mantra of the SDGs, ensuring no one is left behind, demonstrates the direction towards a more inclusive and sustainable future. This year marks five years of the 2030 Agenda and the […]

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December 16, 2020, Publications, English, Leader, Magazine

We must make room for silent conflicts

Solar panels in California.

We are in a crucial process of change from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Photo: Tom Brewster (CC BY 2.0 License)

Of: Lina Lockean

We seem to be stuck in a crucial process of change. In the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, from individualism to collectivism and capitalism to the circular economy, much that has been taken for granted must be questioned. The stories on which high-income countries have built their structures, such as "tomorrow will be a better day" and "the market can grow forever", often put a stop to […]

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March 22, 2019, Leader

The climate in focus at the FUF editorial office

Photo: Jairo Gallegos, Unsplash

Of: The Chancellery

The COP24 climate summit in Katowice, Poland, ended recently. It is clear that a lot of work remains if we are to achieve goal 13 in the global goals: to combat climate change. The writers in FUF's editorial staff have chosen to write about the climate issue in their last texts for this year. Among other things, you can read about how fresh the world's air […]

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December 19, 2018, Leader

We want to give you knowledge and perspective about the world

Smog in Cairo.

Although sustainable cities are crucial to the planet's survival, it is rarely discussed in the media or politics. Here's smog over Cairo. Photo: Sebastian Horndasch, CC BY 2.0

Of: Kerstin Edquist

How do we really portray the world? This is an issue that FUF's editorial staff has struggled with many times. What prejudices do we have? What colonial heritage do we carry with us when we write? In which parts of the world are our major knowledge gaps? And what stereotypes do we create about different people and countries? To turn and rotate […]

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November 1, 2018, Leader