Countries must recognize the importance of sexual and reproductive rights

Photo: Juan Chien-Han, flickr

Of: Charlotte Deogan

Everyone has the right to make decisions regarding his own body, and the right to live free from stigma, discrimination, violation or coercion. This includes decisions regarding sexuality and reproduction. A new, broader and more comprehensive definition of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) has just been developed by the Lancet-Guttmacher Commission […]

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May 31, 2018, Guest chronicle

Menstruation, power and opportunities

Of: Emilie Weiderud

May 28 is International Menstruation Day. Millions of girls and women are forced to stay home from school and work due to stigma and harassment linked to menstruation, lack of clean water, menstrual protection and functioning or safe toilets. In vulnerable environments, such as refugee camps, there is a risk of being forced to change sex for menstrual protection and "Sex for pads" is […]

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May 31, 2018, Guest chronicle

FUF magazine: theme Power

Of: Sophia Triana Flores

Writing about the concept of "power" can be tricky. The self-perceived oppression of power can differ significantly depending on the different conditions we live with. But writing about the difficult-to-define concept of "power" is also about highlighting the privileges that we may not consciously think of. This may be about the balance of power between producers and consumers, people […]

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March 27, 2018, Chronicle

Do you want to be the one who clenched his fist in the pocket or the one who did something?

Of: Tove Kopperdal

For a while, I stopped taking part in the news reporting because I felt too bad about what I read or saw on TV. So much misery in our world, too much suffering to take in. I could not bear it. The gaps are widening both in terms of gender equality and the poor and rich, respectively. The number of natural disasters is increasing. There are many difficult to solve […]

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March 27, 2018, Guest chronicle

Intervention principles - disguised Western dominance?

Of: Maja Sundstrand

The principle of sovereignty is one of the simplest and most fundamental agreements in international relations: each state has the right to self-determination within its own territory. Therefore, no state has the right to intervene - that is, to intervene - in other states. However, there are several exception rules, established by the UN, which justify intervention on special occasions. These exceptions are often justified by someone […]

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March 27, 2018, Chronicle