Campaign ahead of the referendum on national basic income in Switzerland 2016 where the people voted no. Photo: Michael von der Lohe, Flickr
Of: Kevin Perera
Citizens' salaries (also called basic income) are predicted to be able to alleviate economic decline and lead to favorable outcomes. Basically, it is about society offering residents an unconditional financial security, sufficient to cover basic needs. But will basic income achieve similar effects in low- and high-income countries? And if not, what differences are there to consider? There are many indications that low-income countries may find it difficult to reform poverty reduction, from aid to a reliable welfare system, while high-income countries have a much better starting point for using basic income for their own purposes.
April 8, 2021, Analysis
The demonstrations in Africa's most populous city in Nigeria. Photo: Jerry Jallo
Of: Melanie Alphonse
Demonstrations in Nigeria against police brutality and corruption in the autumn of 2020 resulted in the majority of deaths and arrests. However, the debate on police brutality and violence is not just about Nigeria, it exists globally and affects most countries, all of which seem to suffer from several common factors.
February 3, 2021, Analysis
Despite new promises of investments in renewable fuels, China is still expanding its coal industry. Photo by Picrazy2
Of: Aaron Malmborg
China's new five-year plan aims at ambitious targets for renewable energy, a less export-dependent economy and technological development. The intention is to increase the prosperity of several hundred million people and counteract climate change. But can we trust what the Communist Party promises, and will they be able to hold on to power?
January 25, 2021, Analysis
School closures due to the corona pandemic have created major challenges for teaching. Photo: ivalex,
Of: Louise Marklund
Covid-19 has accelerated an educational crisis that has affected an entire generation of children and young people. Problems that have long been hidden in classrooms have been made visible by school cuts around the world. Even in Sweden, the pandemic has created difficult conditions for learning.
January 20, 2021, Analysis
Of: Caisa Billger
False news is a growing problem in most countries. False propaganda is woven in as news and spread through social media and can eventually threaten countries' democracy.
January 19, 2021, Analysis
It is time for a new agreement between Africa and the EU. Photo: European Parliament, Flickr
Of: Ismail Bazine and Miguel Largo Vergara
The Cotonou Agreement, which is under negotiation, regulates the relationship between the EU and the group of states in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. North Africa is not included and the Cotonou Agreement thus overlooks the region's importance for Europe and the rest of Africa in matters of migration and security.
November 13, 2020, Analysis
Photo: Clay Gilliland (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Of: Frida Efraimsson
Following a series of failed ceasefires, pressure is mounting on the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The outside world is taking on increasingly active roles in influencing the conflict in different directions.
November 6, 2020, Analysis
Digital development is predicted to alleviate the consequences of pandemics for vulnerable groups. It requires states to work to ensure that access to connectivity is equal and inclusive. Photo: Pixabay / Myriams_Fotos.
Of: Björn Luthander
Digital development is increasingly highlighted as an effective way to deal with the pandemic. Especially in international development cooperation. But a non-inclusive transition risks increasing the digital exclusion of marginalized groups.
November 5, 2020, Analysis
In Ethiopia, people are suffering from severe floods. Photo: Report - Interagency Needs Assessment, Afar Region, PMU.
Of: Erik Svanberg
In recent months, Ethiopia has been hit by severe floods that have led to an acute humanitarian crisis. Together with local actors, an aid effort is underway to provide people with food and clean water.
November 4, 2020, Analysis
Of: Janet Vähämaki and Susanne Alexis
Trust has long been highlighted as a success factor for successful development projects. But a new EBA report shows that control mechanisms are an important factor for Sida to trust an organization.
October 21, 2020, Analysis