Qatar's emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani will in future share power with an advisory body, but he still has a veto on all important issues. Photo: Ahmad Thamer Al Kuwari. Source: Flickr.
Of: Tilda Janbrink
As next year's host nation for the World Cup, Qatar has caught the eye of the world. In early October, the country went to the polls for the first time ever - but the population's actual influence over politics is still limited.
November 9, 2021, Analysis
A diesel-powered stone crusher next to a wind farm in the state of Chhattisgarh. Photo: Land Rover Our Planet / Flickr.
Of: Elin Holm
Rich countries are better placed to reduce their emissions, but India and other low-income countries will be hit faster and harder by climate change. At the same time, India has a unique position to build its welfare with green solutions from the beginning. But for that to be possible, it is also necessary for richer countries to live up to their promises.
November 4, 2021, Analysis
The issue of water resources has become absolutely crucial for countries in the Middle East and their security. Photo: VicunaR / Flickr.
Of: Julia Lundén Azzeddine
Crises and conflicts in the Middle East seem to have an almost permanent place in Swedish as well as international media reporting. What is rarely mentioned is the effect that water scarcity exacerbated by climate change has and will continue to have on the region's countries and any conflicts that may erupt as a result of the water issue in the future.
November 3, 2021, Analysis
The movement that has fought for the right to abortion in Argentina has used the color green in its campaigns - and has therefore come to be known as the "Green Wave". Photo: Lara Va, Wikimedia.
Of: Beata Sjödahl
In many parts of the world, women's right to their own bodies is restricted by conservative abortion legislation. In several countries in South and Latin America, on the other hand, the wind is blowing in the other direction. In Argentina, the movement that has fought for abortion rights and had a major influence over the country's legalization of abortions has come to be known as the "Green Wave". Now the movement has spread to other countries on the continent.
October 18, 2021, Analysis
This year is election year in Nicaragua. Herman Kringlund reflects on the historical freedom fighters in Latin America and this year's political elections. Photo: Canva.
Of: Herman Kringlund
It is more than 40 years since the world praised the Nicaraguan Revolution. In a few months, one of its orchestrators will win an election that independent newspapers can no longer report on, against an opposition that is either imprisoned or annulled - in order to neglect one of the poorest peoples in the Western Hemisphere for another term. Herman Kringlund, a freelance translator and interested in foreign policy, reflects on this year's political elections in Nicaragua.
September 22, 2021, Analysis
Olof Palme outside the Riksdag House in 1968 talks to a hunger-striking student from Lund who wants the one percent goal to be reached. Photo: Sven-Erik Sjöberg / DN / TT
Of: Goran Holmqvist
Three Swedish historians have made an impressive effort to document the development of development aid as a new policy area in the years 1945 to 1975. The book addresses several key issues in today's Swedish development aid debate: including the XNUMX% target, the choice of partner countries and Tanzania - the country of broken expectations. Göran Holmqvist, head of department at Sida, discusses some of the book's contributions to us based on today's development collaboration.
September 21, 2021, Analysis
The Colombian government signed a peace agreement with the guerrilla group FARC in 2016, but violence and drug production have not decreased. Photo: Presidencia El Salvador, Flickr.
Of: Jennie Aradszky
Colombia has extensive problems with violence and organized crime, largely linked to international drug trafficking. The outside world is a direct contributor to these problems and in Sweden it is currently being debated whether bans are an effective drug policy. The Swedish government has extended its development cooperation with Colombia, but the serious threat posed by the illegal drug market is not mentioned in the strategy.
May 28, 2021, Analysis
Of: Pierre Frühling
The war in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia continues, the risk of famine increases and the information on ethnic cleansing grows in strength. At the same time, extensive violence is also taking place in several other regions. Since Abiy Ahmed came to power in 2018, the conflicts in the country have gradually worsened and experts believe that the planned election in June may worsen the situation further. In the worst case, the crisis could lead to civil war and the disintegration of the country. Pierre Frühling provides a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the country.
May 7, 2021, Analysis
Since the autumn of 2020, Indian farmers have been protesting against new agricultural reforms. Photo: Ananth BS, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Of: Josefine Hörkeby
Indian farmers have been protesting against agricultural reforms since last autumn and are demanding that they be stopped. They believe that their livelihoods are deteriorating. The Indian government believes that it is a necessary modernization of the agricultural system.
May 4, 2021, Analysis
Qatar's rejection of human rights ahead of the World Cup is outrageous. Photo: Omar Chatriwala, Flickr
Of: Louise Marklund
This year's World Cup qualifiers have aroused great debate both nationally and internationally. Qatar, the host country for the World Cup 2022, is considered to be violating human rights. Once again, the debate over inadequate selection of host countries for sports championships is being revived.
May 3, 2021, Analysis